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与 Athens 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The renowned Athens Acropolis (5th century BC), atop a craggy walled hill, is home to four main edifices-the Propylaea , Parthenon, Erechtheum (Ionic temple noted for its caryatid porch), and Temple of Athena Nike-all built from white marble plentiful in the region.

著名的雅典卫城(Athens Acropolis,建于西元前5世纪)位于陡峭的山岗上,有四座重要建筑物:卫城山门、巴特农神庙、厄瑞克底翁庙(Erechtheum,以女像柱〔caryatid〕闻名的爱奥尼亚神庙)和雅典娜胜利神庙,都是以该地区生产的白色大理石筑成。

Koolhaas sided with Le Corbusier in his attempt to address the issues of "cities of tomorrow". He sneered at every proponent, opponent, or revisionist of the "modern" doctrines, such as "Athens Chapter","urban image","genius loci", critical regionalism …. etc, and used the new Pacific Rim as the blueprint for future cities.

现代性和逐渐加剧的全球化进程造成了文化特征的丧失,库哈斯在试图讨论"明日城市"时与勒·柯布西耶站在了一边,他嘲讽一切对于现代主义教条的批判,支持或者修正例如《雅典宪章》(●Athens Chapter●)、《城市意象》(●Urban Image●)、《场所精神》(●Genius Loci●,图16)和批判地域主义,而将新的环太平洋地区作为未来城市的蓝图。

The great Edward Steichen photographed Isadora Duncan at theAcropolis, Athens in 1921. He used a Kodak borrowed from the headwaiter at his hotel.

1921年,摄影大师爱德华使用他跟所下榻饭店的领班服务生借来的一台柯达相机,在雅典卫城(Acropolis, Athens)为IsadoraDuncan拍照。

Twenty years later, the Dorians and the Heraclids became masters of Peloponnese; so that much had to be done and many years had to elapse before Hellas could attain to a durable tranquillity undisturbed by removals, and could begin to send out colonies, as Athens did to Ionia and most of the islands, and the Peloponnesians to most of Italy and Sicily and some places in the rest of Hellas.

二十年之后,Dorian人和Heraclid人成为Peloponnese的霸主,所以在Hellas获得持久的安宁,不用再迁徙之前,经过了很场的时间,发生了很多事,此后开始殖民, Athens殖民Ionia和大多数的岛屿,类似的,Peloponnesian人殖民岛大半个Italy和Sicily和希腊世界其他的地方。

The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Lacedaemon, made war inevitable.


At the end of the one stood Athens, at the head of the other Lacedaemon, one the first naval, the other the first military power in Hellas.


But at last a time came when the tyrants of Athens and the far older tyrannies of the rest of Hellas were, with the exception of those in Sicily, once and for all put down by Lacedaemon; for this city, though after the settlement of the Dorians, its present inhabitants, it suffered from factions for an unparalleled length of time, still at a very early period obtained good laws, and enjoyed a freedom from tyrants which was unbroken; it has possessed the same form of government for more than four hundred years, reckoning to the end of the late war, and has thus been in a position to arrange the affairs of the other states.


The policy of Lacedaemon was not to exact tribute from her allies, but merely to secure their subservience to her interests by establishing oligarchies among them; Athens, on the contrary, had by degrees deprived hers of their ships, and imposed instead contributions in money on all except Chios and Lesbos.


This action is a result of an investigation by a former student at the university in Athens, Ohio.


The great Edward Steichen photographed Isadora Duncan at the Acropolis, Athens in 1921. He used a Kodak borrowed from the head waiter at his hotel.

1921年,摄影大师爱德华使用他跟所下榻饭店的领班服务生借来的一台柯达相机,在雅典卫城(Acropolis, Athens)为Isadora Duncan拍照。

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