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与 Adonis 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think such a decision you should ask the Adonis, rather than to ask me, is not it?


Hello, I 'm Adonis, one of the tutors of the Golden Maple.

大家好,我是 Adonis ,是正枫的一名语言指导师。

Being an Adonis is not about being a sissy, so to speak.

成为一位 Adonis 不是所谓的成为一个女人般的男人。

Adonis was one of those balanced energies in the male-female world.

Adonis 是其中一种被平衡的能量,在阳-阴的世界中。

Bethlehem, now ours, and the earth's most sacred spot... was overshadowed by a grove of Thammuz, which is Adonis, and in the cave where the infant Messiah once cried, the paramour of Venus was bewailed.

现在白冷,我们的,也是世界的最神圣的地方…在 Thammuz 也就是 Adonis 的树丛的阴影下,而那婴孩默西亚曾经嚎哭的洞穴,是 Venus 的情人在叹息。

Some 800 comprehensives are failing to ensure teenagers master basic English and maths, said Lord Adonis, the schools minister.

一位叫Lord Adonis的教育部长说,有800所学校不能保证青少年掌握基本的英语和数学。

Some 800 comprehensives are failing to ensure teenagers master basic English and maths, said Lord Adonis, the schools minister.

大约800家规模较大的综合性中学不能确保青少年掌握基本的英语和数学,Lord Adonis校长说。

Some 800 comprehensives are failing to ensure teenagers master basic English and maths, said Lord Adonis, the schools minister.

教委的Lord adonis表示,大约800家综合学校无法保证青少年掌握基本的英语和数学知识。

Some 800 comprehensives are failing to ensure teenagers master basic English and maths, said Lord Adonis, the schools minister.

大约有800个理解题目用来确认十多岁的孩子们基础英语和数学。学校大臣Lord Adonis说

Some 800 comprehensives are failing to ensure teenagers master basic English and maths, said Lord Adonis, the schools minister.

学校负责人Lord Adonis说,大约800所学校的综合实力不足以教育孩子们掌握基本的英语和数学知识

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Sweet Adonis

I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
