歌词 "Watch Out" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Watch Out



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a new love in your life, I see it in your smile 有一个新的爱情在你的生活中,我看见你的笑容

There's a new love in your life, I've known it for awhile 有一个新的爱情在你的生活,我知道这一段时间


You should have told me from the start 你应该从一开始就告诉我

But oh no, you had to leave me in the dark 但是,哦,不,你不得不离开我在黑暗中

And now you better watch out 现在你最好小心

So now better watch out 所以现在最好小心

You better watch out for me, yeah 你最好注意我,是啊


Now there's a new love in my life 现在有一个新的爱情在我的生命

Two can play that game 两个人玩的游戏

There'e s a new love in my life Theree在我的生活中的新欢

Now you got the same 现在你得到了同样的



I'm saying ooohwoaooooo, you better watch out 我是说ooohwoaooooo ,你最好小心

Woaoooooo, woaoooooo, you better watch out now Woaoooooo , woaoooooo ,你最好现在看出来


You should have told me from the start 你应该从一开始就告诉我

But oh no, you had to leave me in the dark 但是,哦,不,你不得不离开我在黑暗中

And now you better watch out 现在你最好小心

So now better watch out 所以现在最好小心

You better watch out for me, yeah 你最好注意我,是啊


You should have told me from the start 你应该从一开始就告诉我

But oh no, you had to leave me in the dark 但是,哦,不,你不得不离开我在黑暗中

And now you better watch out 现在你最好小心

So now better watch out 所以现在最好小心

You better watch out for me, yeah 你最好注意我,是啊


Now look around baby 现在看看周围的宝宝

You better watch out for me 你最好注意我

I'm gonna drive you crazy 我要你疯狂

You better watch out for me 你最好注意我

Cause two can play that game 原因两个人玩的游戏

You better watch out for me 你最好注意我

And I'll be doing the same 我会做同样的

歌词 Watch Out 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/watch-out-8/

歌词 Watch Out 的作者与版权信息:


Paul Warren Dean, Mike Reno, Douglas Johnson


Emi Blackwood Music (Canada) Ltd., Emi April Music (Canada) Ltd.