歌词 "Waking Up" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Waking Up



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Is a lie just the truth 是骗人的只是真相

Uncovered and relinquished 揭秘和放弃

A passion for all young fools 所有年轻的傻瓜充满机遇的世界

Is a lie more than truth 是一个谎言比真相更

A question left unanswered 没有回答的一个问题

To feed the failure of our choices 为了养活我们的选择失败


And in my hand our blood recovered 而在我的手我们的血液回收

And for our faith we're undeserved 并为我们的信念,我们是不当

And in my hand our blood recovered 而在我的手我们的血液回收

And in your faith completely 和你的信仰完全


Do we wait all this time 难道我们等待这么长的时间

And follow blindly hating 和盲从恨

Killing all that we survey 杀死所有我们调查

Must we hate all this time 我们一定要恨这一切的时候

And let our anger lead us 让我们的愤怒导致我们

Lead us to our bitter end 导致我们对我们的血战到底


And in my hand our blood recovered 而在我的手我们的血液回收

And for our faith we're undeserved 并为我们的信念,我们是不当

And in my hand our blood recovered 而在我的手我们的血液回收

And in your faith completely 和你的信仰完全


[Background: (turn the lights out when you leave)] 背景: (关灯,当你离开)

You're wasting our time 你是在浪费我们的时间

You're wasting our time 你是在浪费我们的时间

When everything's said and done 当一切都说过和做过

We're dead and buried 我们死了,埋

We're dead and buried 我们死了,埋


We're dead and buried 我们死了,埋

We're dead and buried 我们死了,埋

We're dead and buried 我们死了,埋


And will this never end 并会在永远不会结束

I'm tired of all this walking 我厌倦了这一切的行走

And if this never ends 如果这永远不会结束

I'll walk until my feet are bleeding 我会走,直到我的脚都在流血

Oh until my feet are bleeding 呵呵,直到我的脚都在流血

Oh until my feet are bleeding 呵呵,直到我的脚都在流血

Oh until my feet are bleeding 呵呵,直到我的脚都在流血

Oh until my feet are 呵呵,直到我的脚

歌词 Waking Up 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/waking-up-5/