歌词 "Trouble" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm in trouble 我有麻烦

I'm an addict 我是一个瘾君子

I'm addicted to this girl 我沉迷于这个女孩

She's got my heart tied in a knot 她有一个结我的心脏绑

And my stomach in a whirl 和我在一个旋转的胃


But even worse 但更糟糕

I can't stop calling her 我无法阻止她打电话

She's all I want and more 她是我想要的,更

I mean damn 我的意思是该死的

What's not to adore? 有什么理由不爱?


I've been playing too much guitar 我已经打了太多的吉他

I've been listening to jazz 我一直在听爵士乐

I called so many times 我叫了这么多次

I swear she's going mad 我发誓,她要疯了

And that cellular will be the death of us 而且手机会成为我们的死亡

I swear, I swear 我发誓,我发誓


And oh

O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh O型哦, O型哦, O型哦

Oh 呵呵


I'm running my mouth 我跑我的嘴

Just like I got her 就像我得到了她

But I surely don't 但我当然不


Because she's so 因为她是如此

O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh O型哦, O型哦, O型哦

Rock 'n roll 摇滚

And out of my league 与我的联赛

Is she out of my league? 她是我的联赛?

Let's hope not 让我们希望不


I'm in trouble 我有麻烦

I'm so cliché 我很老套

See that word just wears me out 看到这个词只是穿我出去

Makes me feel like just another boy 让我觉得只是一个男孩

To laugh and joke about 笑和开玩笑


But even worse 但更糟糕

I can't stop calling her 我无法阻止她打电话

I love to hear that voice 我喜欢听到的声音

And honestly 和诚实

I'm left with no choice 我别无选择


I've been playing too much guitar 我已经打了太多的吉他

I've been listening to jazz 我一直在听爵士乐

I called so many times 我叫了这么多次

I swear she's going mad 我发誓,她要疯了

And that cellular will be the death of us 而且手机会成为我们的死亡

I swear, I swear 我发誓,我发誓


And oh

O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh O型哦, O型哦, O型哦

Oh 呵呵


I'm running my mouth 我跑我的嘴

Just like I got her 就像我得到了她

But I surely don't 但我当然不


Because she's so 因为她是如此

O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh O型哦, O型哦, O型哦

Rock 'n roll 摇滚

And out of my league 与我的联赛

Is she out of my league? 她是我的联赛?

Let's hope not 让我们希望不


And oh

O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh O型哦, O型哦, O型哦

Oh, oh 哦,哦

歌词 Trouble 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/trouble-15/

歌词 Trouble 的作者与版权信息:


Christofer Drew


Never Shout Never Music, WB Music Corp.