歌词 "Timeless" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You are majesty 您是威严

You are eternity 你是永恒

You are infinite 你是无限的

You are fidelity 你是忠诚


You are the great unknown 你是很大的未知数

And yet Your name is known 然而,你的名字被称为

You are the only way 您是唯一的出路

You are the living stone 你是活石


You are above reproach 您是无可指责

You are beyond fame 您是超越名利

You are beyond the earth 您是超越地球

That trembles at Your name 那颤抖的您的名字


Jesus, Jesus 耶稣,耶稣

yesterday, today and forever 昨日,今日一直到永远


You are the Word made flesh 您是道成肉身

You are Immanuel 您是马内利

You are the Son of Man 您是人子

You are the great I AM 你是伟大的我是


The mountains melt like wac 山上融化一样WAC

Your will it is command 你的意志是命令

You shape and form our hearts 您塑造和形成我们的心

Like clay to potter's hands 像粘土窑匠的手中


You are the righteous judge 你是公义的审判

You are the threshing floor 您是第禾场

You are the silence in 你是寂静

The middle of the storm 风暴的中间

歌词 Timeless 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/timeless-10/