歌词 "The Ratchet Blackout" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Ratchet Blackout



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

As she walks from the back to the front 当她从后面到前面走

All eyes on her; While she leaves in a hurry 她所有的目光;虽然她离开着急

We all know why 我们都知道为什么


She's a star for the night 她是一个明星的夜晚

Backstage is where she wants to live life 后台是她想要的生活的生活

The bus is a spotlight 公交车是一个聚光灯

The bus is alive 公交车是活的


All these morals, they're on pause 所有这些道德,他们是在暂停

All your conscience is blocked 所有你的良心被阻止

If we've only got one night 如果我们只得到了一晚

Lets make it worth it 让我们做值得吗


All these morals, they're on pause 所有这些道德,他们是在暂停

All your conscience is blocked 所有你的良心被阻止

If you've only got one night 如果你只得到了一晚

Make it worth it 做值得吗


You knew it wouldn't last forever 你知道它不会永远持续下去

You knew it from the start 你从一开始就知道

I leave another town 我离开另一个镇

with a trail of broken hearts 用破碎的心的痕迹


You knew it wouldn't last forever 你知道它不会永远持续下去

You knew it from the start 你从一开始就知道

I leave another town 我离开另一个镇

with a trail 有线索


The door shuts; Her clothes start to shed 门自动关上;她的衣服开始脱落

Her breathing speeds up; As she goes down 她的呼吸加快;当她下山

Her toes start to curl; Her back starts to arch 她的脚趾卷曲;她的背部开始拱

I'll be yours tonight, tomorrow I'll be gone 我会是你的,今晚,明天我将离去


All these morals, they're on pause 所有这些道德,他们是在暂停

All your conscience is blocked 所有你的良心被阻止

If we've only got one night 如果我们只得到了一晚

Why don't we make it worth it? 我们为什么不让它值得吗?


All these morals, they're on pause 所有这些道德,他们是在暂停

Your conscience is blocked 你的良心被阻止

If we've only got one night 如果我们只得到了一晚

Why don't you make it worth it? 你为什么不让它值得吗?


This wouldn't last forever 这不会永远持续下去

You knew it from the start 你从一开始就知道

I leave another town 我离开另一个镇

with a trail of broken hearts 用破碎的心的痕迹


This wouldn't last forever 这不会永远持续下去

You knew it from the start 你从一开始就知道

I leave another town 我离开另一个镇

with a trail 有线索


(If we only got one night [x2] (如果我们只得到了一晚[X2]

Why don't we make it worth it? 我们为什么不让它值得吗?


If we only got one night 如果我们只得到了一晚

If we only 如果我们只

If we only got one night 如果我们只得到了一晚

Why don't we make it worth it) 我们为什么不让它值得)

歌词 The Ratchet Blackout 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-ratchet-blackout/