歌词 "The Prisoner" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Prisoner



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A misfit who is old before his time 一个不适合他的时代之前谁是老

Poverty has turned him to crime 贫困使他犯罪

Boredom gives him too much time to think 无聊给了他太多的时间去思考

He pours another drink. 他倒了杯酒。


A burning, bitter taste of irony 燃烧的,讽刺的苦味

A prisoner in the land of the free. 在自由的土地上的囚犯。


He wonders why his landscape looks so strange 他想知道为什么他的风景看起来很奇怪

Burger bars are home on the range 汉堡酒吧回家范围

An empty bottle falling from his hand 一个空瓶子从他手中掉落

He doesn't understand. 他不明白。


A burning, bitter taste of irony 燃烧的,讽刺的苦味

A prisoner in the land of the free. 在自由的土地上的囚犯。


A cork unlocks the door to other lands 塞子打开门的其他土地

Of battles won and destinies in hand 战斗赢了,命运在手

A half-remembered state of liquid dreams 液体梦想的半想起状态

Where things aren't what they seem. 那里的东西并不像它看上去那样。


A burning, bitter taste of irony 燃烧的,讽刺的苦味

A prisoner in the land of the free. 在自由的土地上的囚犯。


A naked savage dressed in shirt and jeans 一个赤裸的野蛮穿着衬衫和牛仔裤


A burning, bitter taste of irony 燃烧的,讽刺的苦味

A prisoner in the land of the free. 在自由的土地上的囚犯。


A burning, bitter taste of irony 燃烧的,讽刺的苦味

A prisoner in the land of the free. 在自由的土地上的囚犯。

歌词 The Prisoner 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-prisoner-6/