歌词 "Southern Dissolution" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Southern Dissolution



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The quicksand is rising 流沙正在上升

I'll down once more then do it again 我会倒一次,然后再做一遍

Tired of fighting my war is 累了打我的战争是

Here how long has it been? 这里有多久了?


Right on time 准时

Right on time 准时

All is good, all is fine 一切都很好,一切都很好

I hear you call 听到你的呼唤


Southern Dissolution 南方解散

Come and take it away 快来把它拿走

First I trip 首先,我的旅行

Then I fall 我心


Sinking come save me 下沉来救救我

No need to pick myself off the ground 无需挑选自己掉在地上

Falling to pieces 破烂不堪

My misery is where i'll be found 我的痛苦就是我会被发现

Sympathy is where I 同情是我

Call my house 打电话给我的房子

Spiraling stairwell 螺旋式楼梯

Where I choose to roam 在这里我选择漫游

歌词 Southern Dissolution 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/southern-dissolution/