歌词 "Sin-Eaters" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wall Street jumps in the Hudson river 华尔街跳跃在哈得逊河

with gold in their bathing suits 黄金在泳衣

Then we send in the miracle fairies 然后我们发送的奇迹仙子

That's all we do 这就是我们所做的一切


Want to give a withering speech to the fucks 想给一个枯萎的讲话给乱搞

Want to give a withering speech to the fucks 想给一个枯萎的讲话给乱搞


We had beautiful views of the 我们有美丽的景色

Weather coming for us 天气来临,我们

We'll dive in with the sin eaters 我们将深入与罪恶食

While they suck it all up 虽然他们吸了这一切


Want to give a withering speech to the fucks 想给一个枯萎的讲话给乱搞

Want to give a withering speech to the fucks 想给一个枯萎的讲话给乱搞


Save my young white neck, it ain't my fault 救我年轻白皙的脖颈,这不是我的错

Save my young white neck, it ain't my fault 救我年轻白皙的脖颈,这不是我的错

歌词 Sin-Eaters 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sin-eaters/