歌词 "Sick Of Being Lonely" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Sick Of Being Lonely


歌词相关歌手:FIELD MOB

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse 1] [诗歌1 ]

Little shawty, we used to be on the phone all day 小美女,我们曾经是手机整天

Talkin' to the sunshine shinin' on my bald head 说话的阳光照耀在我的光头

Now today seem strange 现在,今天似乎很奇怪

No call on my celly, no name on my caller ID 没有呼叫我的小区j ,对我的来电显示没有名字

Callin' you up and ya OGs sayin' you ain't home 呼唤你和雅OG了说你不在家

What's really goin' on? I wanna know 什么是真正的布莱恩 ?我想知道

So gimme a call and let's play no games 所以,给我打个电话,让我们玩任何游戏

I'm playin', you want the plane 我在玩 ,你想要的飞机

Don't point a finger over herre 不点手指在herre

I bought you a fur coat for your birthday 我给你买了一件裘皮大衣为你的生日

And this the things I get shorty? 这事我得到的矮个子?

Over there you starin' mad 在那里,你盯着疯了

That I went out with them other chicks 那我出去跟他们其他的小鸡

I told you they ain't shit! 我告诉你,他们不拉屎!

They were just some buddies from high school that I went to 他们是从高中,我去了只是一些哥们

Where my old homies wanted me to kick it to 'em 在我的老的兄弟们要我把它踢时间

But I called you up but you wasn't home 不过,我叫你了,但你不在家

Baby girl when you get this message, gimme a call 女婴当你得到这个消息,给我打电话

I'll be waitin' at home 我将等待着在家


[Chorus] [合唱]

I'm so sick of being lonely 我很讨厌孤独

Every night while my man goes out with his homies 每天晚上,当我的男人去与他的兄弟们

I wanna know how it feels to be loved, be loved 我想知道那是什么感觉被人爱,被人爱

Sick of being lonely 生病的孤独

Every night while my man goes out with his homies 每天晚上,当我的男人去与他的兄弟们

I wanna know how it feels to be loved, be loved 我想知道那是什么感觉被人爱,被人爱


[Interlude (sung)] [插曲(唱) ]

Any other night, you'd be at home waitin' on me, yeah 任何其他的夜晚,你在家等着我,是啊

(What's goin' on?) (什么事? )

Any other night, you'd be actin' like a bugaboo, ooh 任何其他的夜晚,你会肌动蛋白就像一个吓人的东西,哦

(What's goin' on?) (什么事? )

Any other night, you'd be callin' me, stallin' me, ha 任何其他的夜晚,你会叫我, stallin “我,哈哈

(What's goin' on?) (什么事? )

Any other night, I can guarantee a page from you, ooh 任何其他的夜晚,我可以向你保证一个页面,户外

(What's goin' on?) (什么事? )


[Verse 2] [诗歌2]

Hmmm, but tonight seem different 嗯,但今晚似乎不同

Man, it's about this fishy (I'm so confused) 男人,这是关于这个腥(我很困惑)

Cuz I ain't even did shhhh 因为我竟然没有做嘘

My wife ain't hit me on my pager or cell 我的妻子是不是打我的寻呼机或手机

And when I CALL HER, I keep gettin' the damn voice mail 当我打电话给她,我把刚开了那该死的语音邮件

What's goin' on? Yeah I know I'm wrong 什么是对布莱恩 ?是的,我知道我错了

For goin' and comin' home at 'bout four in the mornin' 对于“在早晨回合4 布莱恩和科曼回家

Hopin' ya "Home Alone" like Caulkin 河滨“雅”小鬼当家“之类Caulkin

But I picked the wrong time, and respect will be expected 不过,我选错了时间,并尊重将有望


[Chorus w/ad libs] [合唱瓦特/广告库]


[Verse 3] [诗歌3 ]

I'm so sick of bein' lon- 我很恶心拜因“ lon-

AHH, don't finish yo statement 啊,不完成哟声明

You alone call me, I'll be yo replacement 你一个人给我打电话,我会更换哟

Put me in the game coach, you can let that lame go 让我在比赛中的教练,你可以让那个瘸子去

Let me lick you on your neck and go down to yo ankles 让我舔你在你的脖子,并深入到脚踝哟

Cuz ain't no mo' better, freakier feller 的Cuz是不是没有莫好,悚汉子

From the Field to creep wit', when ya guys are dummy 从外地来蠕变智慧 ,当雅家伙是假

Honey you lookin' good, and mo' gooder than a plate of Neck Bones 亲爱的,你看着的好,莫好人比颈骨一盘

Tenderized and yummy, the Energizer bunny can't compete with me 嫩和美味,劲量兔子不能跟我争

Cuz I be goin' and goin', rowin' 因为我将要去和布莱恩 , rowin

With mo' motion than ya ocean from night to mornin' 与莫比的运动海洋雅从晚上到早上,

Hit it huffin' and puffin', breath stankin' and yawnin' 打它huffin 和海雀“ ,一口气斯坦金”和yawnin “

Something so pretty as you at home alone 东西这么漂亮,你一个人在家

That's unbelieveable, like when the cow jumped over the moon 这是unbelieveable ,就像当牛跳过月亮

Now, I never put nothin' before you 现在,我从来没有把什么也没之前

That's like eatin' cereal, pickin' a fork over a spoon 这就像eatin 麦片,再找叉子在勺子


[Chorus 2X] [合唱2倍]

歌词 Sick Of Being Lonely 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sick-of-being-lonely/

歌词 Sick Of Being Lonely 的作者与版权信息:


Torica Cornelius, Phalon Alexander


Noontime Tunes, Bubba Gee Music, Indescribable Verses Music Publishing Company, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., WB Music Corp., Dfpg Inc.