歌词 "Seeing Red" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Seeing Red



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sometimes when you're falling down 有时候,当你跌倒

Why don't you think about 你为什么不想想

The shit that you've done 你已经做了狗屎


Your vision's blurred 你的视力的模糊

And you can't even see 而且你甚至看不到

Who's staring in the reflection 谁在盯着在反射


Maybe you lost your way 也许你失去了你的方式

And now you can't let go 现在你不能放过

All the dreams you had in life 你在生活中有梦想

Are the dreams you'll never know 是梦想,你永远不知道


You're blind and you're broken 你是瞎子,你破

Now you're bleeding 现在,你在流血

You keep smashing your head up against the wall 你继续砸你的头靠在墙上

And I won't do what you fucking tell me 我不会做你他妈的告诉我

And now your true colors 现在你的真面目

They have begun to show 他们已经开始显现


Fuck off and die 滚开死


I'm so tired and I'm feeling sick 我太累了,我觉得不舒服

Of your constant disrespecting 你不断的无礼的

Now we're lost and so far from home 现在,我们从家里消失,至今

As we follow you delusionally 当我们跟着你delusionally


How are you never wrong 你怎么永远没有错

Who gave you the crown 谁给你的王冠

As you bite spit and shout at us 当你咬吐和呼喊着我们

You turn the whole world upside down 你把整个世界颠倒


You're blind and you're broken 你是瞎子,你破

Now you're bleeding 现在,你在流血

As you smash your head against the wall 当你打破你的头撞墙

But I still won't do what you fucking tell me 但我还是不会做你他妈的告诉我

And now your true colors 现在你的真面目

They have begun to show 他们已经开始显现


Where did it all go wrong? 它是在哪里都去错了吗?

We've been at war to long 我们已经在战争中长

Where did it all go wrong? 它是在哪里都去错了吗?

Your futures straining and your past is gone 你的期货使劲和你过去的已经一去不复返

Where did it all go wrong? 它是在哪里都去错了吗?

We've been at war to long 我们已经在战争中长

Where did it all go wrong? 它是在哪里都去错了吗?

Now your true colors they have been shown 现在你的真面目,他们已被证明


Where did it all go wrong? 它是在哪里都去错了吗?

You are the walking dead 你是行尸走肉

Where did it all go wrong? 它是在哪里都去错了吗?

I'm seeing red 我看到红


I'm seeing red 我看到红

歌词 Seeing Red 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/seeing-red-2/

歌词 Seeing Red 的作者与版权信息:


Randy Bradbury, Fletcher Douglas Dragge, Randy James Bradbury, Byron Mcmackin, Zoltan E. Teglas, Byron C. Mcmackin


BMG Platinum Songs, BMG Platinum Songs Us, Batcave Entertainment