歌词 "Say (All I Need)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Say (All I Need)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Do you know where your heart is? 你知道你的心脏?

Do you think you can find it? 你认为你能找到它吗?

Or did you trade it for something 还是你的东西就交易

Somewhere better just to have it? 更好的地方正好有吗?


Do you know where your love is? 你知道你的爱?

Do you think that you lost it? 你认为你输了呢?

You felt it so strong, but 你觉得它那么强,但

Nothing's turned out how you wanted 没事的横空出世,你怎么想


Well, bless my soul 那么,保佑我的灵魂

You're a lonely soul 你是一个孤独的灵魂

'Cause you won't let go “因为你是不会善罢甘休

Of anything you hold 任何事情你持有


Well, all I need 好吧,我需要的

Is the air I breathe 是我呼吸的空气

And a place to rest my head 有地方休息我的头


Do you know what your fate is? 你知道你的命运是什么?

And are you trying to shake it? 而你试图动摇了吗?

You're doing your best dance, 你做你最好的舞蹈,

Your best look 你最好看

You're praying that you make it 你祈祷,希望你把它


Well, bless my soul 那么,保佑我的灵魂

You're a lonely soul 你是一个孤独的灵魂

'Cause you won't let go “因为你是不会善罢甘休

Of anything you hold 任何事情你持有


Well, all I need 好吧,我需要的

Is the air I breathe 是我呼吸的空气

And a place to rest my head 有地方休息我的头


(say) all I need (说)我所需要的

Is the air I breathe 是我呼吸的空气

And a place to rest my head 有地方休息我的头


Do you think you can find it? 你认为你能找到它吗?

Do you think you can find it? 你认为你能找到它吗?

Do you think you can find it? 你认为你能找到它吗?

Better than you had it 比你更好了吧

Do you think you can find it? 你认为你能找到它吗?

Do you think you can find it? 你认为你能找到它吗?

Do you think you can find it? 你认为你能找到它吗?

Yeah, better than you had it (better than you had it) 是啊,比你更好了吧(比你更好了吧)


(say) all I need (说)我所需要的

Is the air I breathe 是我呼吸的空气

And a place to rest my head 有地方休息我的头


(say) all I need (说)我所需要的

Is the air I breathe 是我呼吸的空气

And a place to rest my head 有地方休息我的头


Do you know where the end is? 你知道到底是?

Do you think you can see it? 你认为你能看到吗?

Well, until you get there 好了,直到你到达那里

Go on, go ahead and scream it 继续,继续和尖叫

Just say... 只是说...

歌词 Say (All I Need) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/say-all-i-need/

歌词 Say (All I Need) 的作者与版权信息:


Andrew Brown, Zack Filkins, Eddie Fisher, Zachary Filkins, Ryan Tedder, Brent Kutzle


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Ljf Publishing Co., Acornman Music, Midnite Miracle Music, Butterfoot, Velvet Hammer Music, Veil Over Downfalls