歌词 "Remembrance" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh, how could it be 呵呵,怎么可能

That my God would welcome me into this mystery 我的上帝会欢迎我进入这个谜

Say take this bread, take this wine 说拿这饼,拿这种酒

Now the simple made divine for any to receive 现在,简单的做神的任何接收


By Your mercy, we come to Your table 您的怜悯,我们来到你的表

By Your grace, You are making us faithful 通过你的恩典,你快把我们忠实


Lord, we remember You 主啊,我们记得你

And remembrance leads us to worship 和怀念,使我们崇拜

And as we worship You 当我们敬拜你

Our worship leads to communion 我们崇拜导致共融

We respond to Your invitation, we remember You 我们对您的邀请作出回应,我们记得你


See His body, His blood 看到他的身体,他的血

Know that He has overcome every trial we will face 要知道,他已经克服了每一个试验中,我们将面临

None too lost to be saved 没有失去过要保存

None too broken or ashamed, all are welcome in this place 没有太破或羞愧,欢迎各界人士在这个地方


By Your mercy, we come to Your table 您的怜悯,我们来到你的表

By Your grace, You are making us faithful 通过你的恩典,你快把我们忠实


Lord, we remember You 主啊,我们记得你

And remembrance leads us to worship 和怀念,使我们崇拜

And as we worship You 当我们敬拜你

Our worship leads to communion 我们崇拜导致共融

We respond to Your invitation, we remember You 我们对您的邀请作出回应,我们记得你


Dying You destroyed our death 面临死亡,你摧毁了我们的死亡

Rising You restored our life 瑞星你恢复了我们的生活

Lord Jesus, come in glory 主耶稣,进来的荣耀


Lord Jesus, come in glory 主耶稣,进来的荣耀

Lord Jesus, come in glory 主耶稣,进来的荣耀

Lord Jesus, come in glory 主耶稣,进来的荣耀


Lord, we remember You 主啊,我们记得你

And remembrance leads us to worship 和怀念,使我们崇拜

And as we worship You 当我们敬拜你

Our worship leads to communion 我们崇拜导致共融

We respond to Your invitation 我们对您的邀请作出回应

We respond to Your invitation, we remember You 我们对您的邀请作出回应,我们记得你

歌词 Remembrance 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/remembrance/