歌词 "Release The Stars" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Release The Stars



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Why do you keep all your stars in from your studio on Melrose Avenue? 你为什么把所有的星星从梅尔罗斯大道的工作室?

You've lost all your assets ?? in life-long contracts to you 你已经失去了所有的财产?在终身合同,你

Didn't you know that old Hollywood is over? 难道你不知道,昔日好莱坞已经结束?


Oh, can't you see all the good that celebrity can do for those in the dark? 哦,你没看到所有的好,明星可以为那些在黑暗中做什么?

Yes of course, I am speaking in metaphors for something more in your heart 是的,当然,我发言隐喻在你的心脏更多的东西

Didn't you know that old Hollywood is over? 难道你不知道,昔日好莱坞已经结束?


So why not just release the gates and let them all come out? 那么为什么不放开大门,让他们都来了?

Remember that without them there would be no Paramount 请记住,没有他们就没有派拉蒙

No paramount need to hold on to what isn't yours 没有最重要的需要坚持的是什么不是你

Release the stars 松开明星


The more that you fight, then the more they will scrutinize and realize just your size 你打的话,他们越会审议并实现只是你的尺寸更

And believe me, you are no match for the public that has seen the whites of your eyes 相信我,你是斗不过公众已经看到了你的眼睛眼白

Didn't you know that old Hollywood is over? 难道你不知道,昔日好莱坞已经结束?


Old Hollywood is over 旧好莱坞已经结束

So why not just release the gates and let them all come out? 那么为什么不放开大门,让他们都来了?

Remember that without them there would be no Paramount 请记住,没有他们就没有派拉蒙

No paramount need to hold on to what isn't yours 没有最重要的需要坚持的是什么不是你

Release the stars 松开明星


Release the stars, release your love, release the stars 松开星,释放你的爱,放开明星

Release your love, 'cause Hollywood is over 释放你的爱,因为好莱坞已经结束

Why do you keep all your stars in from your studio on Melrose Avenue? 你为什么把所有的星星从梅尔罗斯大道的工作室?

歌词 Release The Stars 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/release-the-stars/

歌词 Release The Stars 的作者与版权信息:


Rufus Wainwright


Put Tit On Music, WB Music Corp.