歌词 "Poison Lovers" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Poison Lovers



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I was almost out of here 我几乎离开这里

Nearly left this time 几乎离开了这个时间

I saw you in my rearview mirror 我看到你在我的后视镜

And I pulled up on a dime 我拉一角钱

But nothin' ventured, nothin' lost 但没什么虎穴,没什么损失

You can't say we didn't try 你不能说我们没有尝试

That is unless you weigh the cost 也就是说,除非你权衡成本

Of every tear we cried 每一滴眼泪,我们哭了


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Why do we do this to each other 为什么我们这样做是为了彼此

I guess we were always poison lovers 我想我们总是毒恋人


If you could look me in the eye 如果你能看着我的眼睛

And tell me what you see 并告诉我你看到什么

Maybe you can tell me why 也许你能告诉我为什么

I let you torture me 我让你在折磨我

I know that your lips are soft 我知道,你的嘴唇柔软

And they sing the sweetest songs 他们唱甜蜜的歌

But I've been listenin' long enough 但我一直listenin “足够长的时间

My heart has turned to stone 我的心脏已经变成了石头


[Chorus] [合唱]


Another time, another place 还有一次,另一个地方

Another wind to blame 另一个风惹的祸

Cover every track and trace 涵盖所有的跟踪和追踪

I'll find you just the same 我会找到你一样

And even if we made our peace 而且,即使我们做了我们的和平

And went our separate ways 而分道扬镳

You'd go west and I'd go east 你往西走,我会去东

And we'd meet here in this place 我们会在这里见面在这个地方


[Chorus 2x] [合唱2倍]

歌词 Poison Lovers 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/poison-lovers/