歌词 "Never Coming Back" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Never Coming Back



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Mom and Dad won't you listen to me 爸爸妈妈你不听我的

Listen to me cuz what I'm thinkin' is 听我的Cuz什么,我想的是


Cool the quiet little look in your eye 酷在你的眼睛静静的小样子

The bigger surprise is I'm doing fine 更大的惊喜是我很好


I zip my jacket up when it rains í压缩我的外套了,下雨的时候

I brush my teeth like two times a day 我刷牙一样,每天两次

And though it seems so stupid to say 虽然它似乎很愚蠢地说

I'm really okay, I'm workin' hard on everything 我真的没事,我在工作“硬的一切


I can't let you come in 我不能让你进来

It's just too confusing 这太令人困惑

Either you tell the truth and leave here 要么你说实话,离开这里


Or I am never coming back 或者,我再也不会回来


When there's something simple to say 当有一些简单的说

You shrug it away, I watch you shrug it away 你耸耸肩它了,我看你耸耸肩走

Cool the quiet little look in your eye 酷在你的眼睛静静的小样子

The bigger surprise is I'm doing fine 更大的惊喜是我很好

I zip my jacket up when it rains í压缩我的外套了,下雨的时候

I brush my teeth like two times a day 我刷牙一样,每天两次

And when it all falls down on my head 而当这一切落在了我的头上

And I'm down on my head-I'm belly laughing again 而我倒在我的头上 - 我的肚子又大笑


I don't care what you might think 我不在乎你怎么想

You just don't mean that much to me 你刚才不是说那么多给我

I'm awake-the night is loud-mom is quickly running out 我很清醒,晚上是响亮,妈妈很快耗尽

I don't care what you might think 我不在乎你怎么想

You just don't mean that much to me 你刚才不是说那么多给我


Do you remember lunch that day 你还记得午餐的那一天

When mother was gone but mother was her name? 当妈妈已经走了,但妈妈是她的名字吗?

歌词 Never Coming Back 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/never-coming-back/