歌词 "Mona Lisa" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Mona Lisa



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Girl I’d steal the Mona Lisa 姑娘我偷蒙娜丽莎

But I know I wouldn’t keep her 但我知道,我不会让她

Cause I wake up next to you everyday 因为我每天都下一个醒来的时候,你

I’d buy the Taj Mahal, 我就买了泰姬陵,

Never visit it at all, 从来没有参观所有,

If that’s the only price I gotta pay. 如果这是唯一的价格,我必须付出。

Cause I’ve never loved anything like I love you. 因为我从来没有爱过任何像我爱你。


I’d go and catch the moon 我会去,赶上月亮

And I’d drag it down to you 我想将它拖动到你

But I know you’d be brighter anyway 但我知道你会更亮呢

I’d walk the whole Great Wall 我走了整个长城

And every brick I’d count ‘em all 和一砖我算他们所有

Then I’d start over the next day 然后,我会重新开始的第二天

Cause I’ve never loved anything like I love you. 因为我从来没有爱过任何像我爱你。

Like I love you. 就像我爱你。


(Like I love you) (就像我爱你)


Turn on every light in New York City, 打开在纽约市隔光,

I’d still be blind if you weren’t with me. 我仍然是盲目的,如果你不在我身边。

You’re the only one who opens up my eyes. 你是谁打开了我的眼睛只有一个。

Cause I’ve never loved anything like I love you. 因为我从来没有爱过任何像我爱你。

Like I love you 就像我爱你

Like I love you 就像我爱你


I’d steal the Mona Lisa 我偷了蒙娜丽莎

But I know I wouldn’t keep her 但我知道,我不会让她

Cause I wake up next to you everyday. 因为我每天都下一个醒你。

歌词 Mona Lisa 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mona-lisa-8/