歌词 "Lean On Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lean On Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain 有时,在我们的生活中,我们每个人都有痛苦

We all have sorrow 我们每个人都有悲伤

But, if we are wise 但是,如果我们是明智的

We know that there's always tomorrow 我们知道,总会有明天


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Lean on me, when you're not strong 依靠我,当你不强

And I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on 我会是你的朋友,我会帮助你坚持下去

For it won't be long, till I'm gonna need 它不会很长,直到我要去需要

Someone to lean on 有人可以依靠


You can call on me brother when you need a hand 您可以在我弟弟打电话时,你需要一只手

We all need somebody to lean on 我们都需要有人依靠

I just might have a problem, that you'll understand 我只可能有一个问题,那你就会明白

We all need somebody to lean on 我们都需要有人依靠


Please swallow your pride, if I have things 请收起你的骄傲,如果我有事情

You need to borrow 你需要借

For no one can fill, those of your needs 因为没有人可以填补,那些对你的需求

That you won't let show 你不会让秀


[Chorus] [合唱]


If there is a load, you have to bear 如果有负载时,你要承担

That you can't carry 你不能随身携带

I'm right up the road, I'll share your load 我是对的道路,我将分享你的负担

If you just call me...call me 如果你还是叫我......叫我

If you need a friend....call me 如果你需要一个朋友....给我打电话

If you need a friend....If you ever need a friend 如果你需要一个朋友....如果你需要一个朋友

Call me....Call me.... 打电话给我叫....我....

歌词 Lean On Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lean-on-me-15/

歌词 Lean On Me 的作者与版权信息:


Bill Withers


Interior Music Corp.