歌词 "Joy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The other day I met a girl named Joy 有一天,我认识了一个叫乔伊的女孩

She said come here, 她说,来到这里,

I'm gonna make you my joy boy 我要让你我的快乐男孩

Well, things went good and things went bad 好了,一切都很好的,东西坏了

Now everytime I think of Joy 现在,每当我觉得快乐的

It makes me sad 这让我伤心

It makes me... sad 这让我伤心......

The other day I met a girl named Joy 有一天,我认识了一个叫乔伊的女孩

She said Roy! 她说,罗伊!

I'm gonna make you my joy boy 我要让你我的快乐男孩

Well, she took me for a ride 嗯,她带我兜风

Sort of a joy ride 欢乐骑排序

Now everytime I think of Joy 现在,每当我觉得快乐的

I get all weird inside 我得到的所有奇怪的内

Oh, Joy to the world 哦,欢乐世界

Was a beautiful girl 是一个美丽的女孩

But to me Joy meant only sorrow 但对我来说意味着快乐只有悲伤

Now--if you haven't got an answer 现在 - 如果你没有得到一个答案

Then you haven't got a question 那么你有没有有一个问题

And if you never had a question 如果你从未有过的问题

Then you'd never have a problem 然后,你永远不会有问题

But if you never had a problem 但是,如果你从未有过的问题

Well, everyone would be happy 好了,大家会很高兴

But if everyone was happy 但是,如果每个人都开心

There'd never be a love song 这里从来没有成为一个爱的歌

Joy was a beautiful girl 快乐是一个美丽的女孩

But to me Joy meant only sorrow 但对我来说意味着快乐只有悲伤

The other day I met a girl named Joy 有一天,我认识了一个叫乔伊的女孩

She said, Come here, 她说,来到这里,

I wanna make you feel all clammy inside 我想要让你觉得所有的内部湿冷

Things went good good and things went bad 事情进展不错不错,事情坏了

Things went good... things went bad 事情发生了......好东西坏了

Good, bad, good, bad, good, bad 好的,坏的,好的,坏的,好的,坏的

Joy to the world 欢乐世界

Was a beautiful girl 是一个美丽的女孩

But to me Joy meant only sorrow 但对我来说意味着快乐只有悲伤

Oh, Joy to the world 哦,欢乐世界

Was a beautiful girl 是一个美丽的女孩

But to me Joy meant only sorrow 但对我来说意味着快乐只有悲伤

Joy, I know you're out there 喜悦,我知道你在那里

I want you to turn on your radio and listen to my song 我要你打开收音机,听我的歌

歌词 Joy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/joy-15/

歌词 Joy 的作者与版权信息:


Jukka Alarik Rintamaeki, Anders Roy Gustafsson, Jon Anders Oelmeskog, Glen Ballard, Simon Sebastian Olsson, Andreas Leif Nilsson, Harry Nilsson


Golden Syrup Music, Warner/Chappell Music Scandinavia AB, Glen Ballard Music, Universal Music Corp.