歌词 "I Wasn't Born Yesterday" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Wasn't Born Yesterday



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I forgot just how to feel 我忘了是多么的感觉

City scene ain't no big deal 城市景观是不是没有什么大不了的

Soul deep So ya say 灵魂深所以雅称

None of that takes my breath away 这些方法都需要我的呼吸

Oh I always seem to see 哦,我似乎总是看

Both sides when they disagree 双方如果他们不同意

And neither one seems right 并没有一个似乎是正确的

Too much city life 太多的城市生活

Is messin' with my inner lite 是messin 与我内心的精简版

And everybody's too cool to believe 每个人都太爽相信


I Wasn't Born Yesterday 我不是天生昨日

You should know by now 你应该知道,现在

So let's set the record straight 因此,让我们以正视听

And we can carry on 我们可以进行

I Wasn't Born Yesterday 我不是天生昨日

I'll find out 我会找到的

I ain't innocent 我是不是无辜的

Lots of room for me to doubt 大量的空间,我怀疑

I never learned to cry 我从来没有学会哭泣


So far so extreme 到目前为止极端

If I'm jaded, you're naive 如果我厌倦,你是天真

but behind that cynic's steady gaze 但背后的犬儒主义者的目光平稳

There's a wide-eyed lover drink for days 有一个大眼睛的爱人喝了几天

Oh I don't want to be 哦,我不希望

One of those guys who only sees 其中一个家伙谁只看到了

The joke behind the lie 谎言背后的笑话

Too much city life 太多的城市生活

May I don't know wrong from right 可我不知道错在右

But baby I ain't too cool to believe 但是,宝贝,我是不是太爽相信


I Wasn't Born Yesterday 我不是天生昨日

I don't die for love 我不殉情

Just let the record speak 只是让记录说话

Then I carry on 然后,我继续

I Wasn't Born Yesterday 我不是天生昨日

I don't die for love 我不殉情

It's never too late to come of age 这是永远不会太晚的时代来了

Never too late 永远不会嫌晚

Oh I wanna learn to cry 哦,我想学哭

歌词 I Wasn't Born Yesterday 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-wasn_t-born-yesterday/