歌词 "I Feel Better" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Feel Better



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There was a time I was down, down 曾经有一段时间我下来,下来

I didn't know what to do 我不知道该怎么办

I was just stumbling around, around 我只是绊绕,绕

Thinking things could not improve 思考的东西不能改善

I couldn't look on the bright side 我不能看到光明的一面

Of anything at all 对任何事情

That's when you gave me a call 当你给我打电话的


Now I feel better, better, better than before 现在我感觉比以前更好,更优,更好的

I feel better, better, better, now I'm not down any more 我感觉更好,更优,更好,现在我不下来更多


And there were times I was sure, so sure 有几次我是肯定的,那么肯定

I couldn't turn it around 我不能把它绕

I couldn't care any more 我一点也不在乎更多

About the good things I found 关于美好的事物,我发现

That's when you gave me a reason 当你给我一个理由是

To make me smile again 为了让我再次微笑

I only have to see you and then 我只看到你,然后


I feel better, better, better than before 我感觉比以前更好,更优,更好的

I feel better, better, better, now I'm not down any more 我感觉更好,更优,更好,现在我不下来更多

I feel better, better, better than before 我感觉比以前更好,更优,更好的

I feel better, better, better, now I'm not down any more 我感觉更好,更优,更好,现在我不下来更多


Life sometimes seems to get the best of you 生活有时似乎得到了最好的你

Like everything just brings you down 就像一切都只是带给你失望

Just when you think there's nothing you can do 当你认为没有什么可以做

A friendly face will bring you around 这是一个友善的脸会带给你身边

And you'll feel better 而且你会感觉更好


You'll feel better, you'll feel better, 你会感觉更好,你会感觉更好,

Better than before 比以前更好

You'll feel better, much better 你会感觉好多了,好多了

No you won't get down any more 不,你不会得到任何下降更多

歌词 I Feel Better 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-feel-better-1/

歌词 I Feel Better 的作者与版权信息:


Walter de Backer, Ary Barroso


Op Shop Songs Pty Ltd., Irmaos Vitale Sa