歌词 "How Could You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

How Could You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse:] [诗: ]

It's kinda crazy baby, 这有点疯狂宝贝,

How I remember things, (like where you came from and how you had nothin) 我怎么记得的东西, (如你来自哪里,你怎么了没什么)

I went and made you fly, 我去了,让你飞,

Put extras on your ride, (didn't miss a birthday now u cant even remember mine) 把临时演员在你的旅程, (没有错过生日,现在ü不能还记得我的)


[Hook:] [钩: ]

U made it clear to me (you wasn't down for me), ü清楚地告诉我(你不下来我) ,

(Love made me blind, baby) but now I see, (爱使我盲目的,宝宝),但现在我明白了,

(you had things up your sleeve, dont even lie to me) I even heard it from your family, (你有事情了你的袖口,甚至不骗我),我连你的家人听见,


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

How could you let somebody lay where I layed? 你怎么可以让别人躺在哪里奠定?

How could you give him everything that we made? 你怎么能放弃他,我们做的一切吗?

How could you call him all the names that you used to call me? 你怎么能叫他所有你习惯叫我的名字?

How could You How Could You just forget about me? 你怎么可以这样,你怎么能忘掉我吗?

How Could You teach him all the things I taught You? 你如何能教他所有的事情我教你的?

How Could You put him up to the Ghetto Kama Sutra? 你怎么能放他到少数民族居住区爱经?

How Could You put me in the back and give him the front seat? 你怎么可以把我的背,给他的前排座位?

How Could You How Could You just forget about me? 你怎么可以这样,你怎么能忘掉我吗?


[Verse:] [诗: ]

You must be out ya mind, 你必须走出雅心,

You got alot of nerve (to think that im gone chill after all the shit I heard), 你有很多神经(认为IM冷了后,我听到了狗屎)

I damn near carried you, ì该死的近背着你,

I could've married you, 我已经嫁给了你,

Good thing I found out before I bought that 7 karat for ya, 还好我发现我之前买的那7克拉雅,

(I kno ur sick about) the way I found you out, (我硝酸钾UR病有关)的方式,我找到你了,

(GO head and pack it out) I hope he's got room in his house, (去头和包装出来) ,我希望他有房在他的房子,

You should have thought of me b4 you hopped in the sheets, 你应该有我的想法B4你在跳表,

Damn I cant believe that u did this to me 哎呀我不能相信,美这样对我


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Bridge:] [桥: ]

Girl I tried to give u everything, 女孩,我想给所有的一切,

Can't believe the ways u repaid me, 不能相信ü偿还我的方式,

Girl u had it all, 女孩ü拥有了一切,

But I guess my all wasn't good enough for you, 不过,我想我的一切是不是配不上你,

Baby I've accepted it, 宝贝,我已经接受了它,

And I aint gone trip, 我是不是走了一趟,

Girl im movin on, 女孩IM居无定所,

Sometimes I cant help but think that another man's gonna get the one I made for me 有时候,我不能帮助,但认为另一个人的会得到一个我为我


[Chorus] [合唱]


How could you let somebody lay where I layed? 你怎么可以让别人躺在哪里奠定?

How could you give him everything that we made? 你怎么能放弃他,我们做的一切吗?

How could you call him all the names that you used to call me? 你怎么能叫他所有你习惯叫我的名字?

How could you, How could you just forget about me? 你怎么可以这样,你怎么可以忘掉我吗?

How could you teach him all the things I taught you?? 你怎么能教他所有的事情我教你?

How could you put him up to the Ghetto Kama Sutra?? 你怎么能放他到少数民族居住区爱经?

歌词 How Could You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/how-could-you-5/

歌词 How Could You 的作者与版权信息:


Harvey Mason, Eric D. Dawkins, Joey Elias, Antonio Dixon, J. Newt


Chile Music Publishing, Demis Hot Songs, Sony/ATV Melody, La Coupole Music, E.D. Duz-it Music, Antonio Dixon'S Muzik, Irving Music Inc., Anthony Nance Muzik, Mandelieu Music, Underdog East Songs, Emi April Music Inc., Universal Music - Mgb Songs