歌词 "Give Back My Heart" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Give Back My Heart



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm a traveling man don't tie me down 我是一个旅行的人不配合我失望

There's just too much living going all around 只是有太多的生活去各地

A man he's got to see what he can see 他有一个人,看他能看到什么

I love the road and I love the air 我喜欢在路上和我爱的空气

And I don't worry hell I never care 我不担心地狱我从来不在乎

I love my women sometimes they love me 我爱我的女人,有时他们爱我


But I was got one day I still don't know how 但我得到了有一天,我还是不知道怎么

I didn't even like that town 我什至不喜欢那个小镇

This fellow said stranger why don't you just go on home 这家伙说的陌生人,为什么你不干脆走在回家

And I said man that's where I'm headed to 我说人这就是我要去

And you couldn't stop me if you knew what to do 如果你知道该怎么做,你不能阻止我

And I left and I planned to go alone 我走了,我打算一个人去


But the road was long and home was far 但道路是漫长而家远

So I stopped off at this little cowboy-looking bar 所以我在这个小牛仔酒吧看停过

I walked on through the door and she just smiled 走着走着穿过大门,她只是笑笑

In a long pony tail and a pretty white dress 在很长的马尾,和一个漂亮的白色连衣裙

She said hi bull riders do it best 她说,喜红牛车手做的最好

I said oh my God what's your name 我说天啊你叫什么名字

My name's Lyle 我叫莱尔


And I said ooh give back my heart chipkicker-redneck woman 我说:哦还给我的心脏chipkicker ,乡下人的女人

Take your boots and walk out of my life 把你的靴子,走出我的生活

Ooh give back my heart chipkicker-redneck woman 哦还给我的心脏chipkicker ,乡下人的女人

I can't be no cowgirl paradise 我不能没有女牛仔的天堂


I looked at her and she looked at me 我看着她,她看着我

And I looked back and she looked back 我回头一看,她回头一看,

And we went out together for a walk 和我们一起出去散步

Her eyes were bright just like the stars 她的眼睛很亮只是像星星

But she drove a pickup said she hated cars 但她开着一辆皮卡说,她讨厌汽车

But loved to ride around out after dark 但喜欢四处跑出来后,暗


And I said ooh give back my heart chipkicker-redneck woman 我说:哦还给我的心脏chipkicker ,乡下人的女人

Take your boots and walk out of my life 把你的靴子,走出我的生活

Ooh give back my heart chipkicker-redneck woman 哦还给我的心脏chipkicker ,乡下人的女人

I can't be no cowgirl paradise 我不能没有女牛仔的天堂


I told her redneckness has got to be a disease 我告诉她redneckness也必须是一种病

You catch it on your fingers and it just crawls right up your sleeves 你抓住它放在你的手指,它只是爬直到你的袖子

Ooh give back my heart chipkicker-redneck woman 哦还给我的心脏chipkicker ,乡下人的女人

I can't be no cowgirl paradise 我不能没有女牛仔的天堂


Well how she did it I'll never know 嗯,她是如何做到的,我永远不会知道

But it's been maybe 20 years or so 但它已经大概有20年左右的时间

And she cooks the supper and I try to pay the rent 她煮的晚饭,我试着付房租

But I'm a traveling man don't tie me down 但我是一个旅行的人不配合我失望

There's just too much living go all around 只是有太多的生活去各地

But I can't figure out quite where it went 但我想不通相当的地方去


Then I think ooh give back my heart chipkicker-redneck woman 那么我觉得哦还给我的心脏chipkicker ,乡下人的女人

Take your boots and walk out of my life 把你的靴子,走出我的生活

Ooh give back my heart chipkicker-redneck woman 哦还给我的心脏chipkicker ,乡下人的女人

I can't be no cowgirl paradise 我不能没有女牛仔的天堂

歌词 Give Back My Heart 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/give-back-my-heart/

歌词 Give Back My Heart 的作者与版权信息:


Lyle Pearce Lovett, Lyle Lovett


Michael H. Goldsen Inc., Michael H Goldsen Inc., Lyle Lovett, Michael H Goldsen Inc. O.B.O. Lyle Lovett