歌词 "Forming / Hot Chocolate Boy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Forming / Hot Chocolate Boy



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

He's always waiting 他一直在等待

Gotta make the move to tell her 总得做出的举动告诉她

Hot chocolate boy 热巧克力男孩

He's never met one 他从来没有碰到一位

Hot chocolate wet one 热巧克力湿1

Hot chocolate boy 热巧克力男孩

Deep, sweet, and bitter 深,甜,苦

Spoon out a place for breakfast 勺出来吃早餐的地方

Hot chocolate boy 热巧克力男孩

Hot, frosty, creamy 热,冷冰冰,滑腻

He was only dreaming... 他不只是在梦中......


Hold me down, hold me up 抓住我,把我抱起来

Tell them that I'm your gun 告诉他们,我是你的枪

Pull my trigger 拉动了扳机

I'm bigger than 我比

I'm bigger than you 我比你大

Tell them what it means to be on top 告诉他们这是什么意思是在上面

Pull them down, hold me up 拉下来,把我抱起来

Tell them that I'm your gun 告诉他们,我是你的枪

Pull my trigger, I'm bigger than 拉动了扳机,我比

I'm bigger than, I'm bigger than... 我比,我比...

歌词 Forming / Hot Chocolate Boy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/forming-hot-chocolate-boy/