歌词 "Burning White" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Burning White



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We'll live forever 我们会永远活着

Let's shout together 让我们一起喊

You're the only one 你是唯一一个


You can stand here where you want as a wayfarer 你可以站在这里,你想作为一个旅人

No one knows where you belong 没有人知道你是属于

You're up against the wall then you strike it over and over again 你靠在墙上,然后你一遍又一遍越打越

On the way to your destination, everything could really happen. 在途中到你的目的地,一切真的发生了。

Be harder, be stronger, to make it own our way 更难,更强大,使它拥有我们的方式


We'll live forever even though the storm came down 我们将永远活着,即使暴风雨降临

My soul is still burning on and we'll stand again we'll stand again for as 我的心还在燃烧的,我们将再次站在我们会再次主张作为

Let's shout together as if we're burning white 让我们一起喊,好像我们烧白

They can never change your ways 他们永远不能改变你的生活方式

Because the only one you're the only one 因为只有你是唯一一个


Save all the victims from disaster killing fear through out the day 保存所有的受害者从灾难杀怕过了一天

They come with heartlessness we'll push them to the edge 还配备了无情,我们将他们推到边缘

Save all the victims from disaster killing fear through out the day 保存所有的受害者从灾难杀怕过了一天

Keeping a sharp focus on them never look away 保持清晰的对焦他们从来不看远


When I find myself passing time 当我发现自己消磨时间

Sometimes it's just so dark inside this loneliness 有时,它只是这个寂寞里太黑

So we share one soul together 因此,我们共享一个共同的灵魂

Until the day we die we just sing forever 直到有一天我们死了,我们只是永远的歌唱

歌词 Burning White 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/burning-white/