歌词 "Amphetamines" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:EVE 6

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Amphetamines and jellybeans 安非他明和软糖

She was pretty in her teens 她长得漂亮在她十几岁

Waiting for the month of come what May 等待月份出现什么情况

I smelled you on my shirt today 我闻到你对我今天的衬衫

Of course the hardest part is letting go 当然,最难的部分是放开

But you've got to or you know 但是你一定要和你知道的

You'll end up waiting by the 你最终的等待


Phone me once in a while 在一段时间打电话给我一次

Let me know you're alright 让我知道你好吗

Tell you again that I'm fine 再次告诉你,我很好

Then we go about our separate lives 然后,我们去了不同的生活


Was it nasty scheme or lazy dreams 是不是讨厌方案或懒惰的梦想

I left you cold two blankets deep 我离开你冷两条毯子深

This is the last song I'll send your way 这是最后一首歌,我会送你的方式

I smelled you on my shirt today 我闻到你对我今天的衬衫

Of course the hardest part is letting go 当然,最难的部分是放开

But you've got to or you know 但是你一定要和你知道的

You'll end up waiting by the 你最终的等待


Phone me once in a while 在一段时间打电话给我一次

Let me know you're alright 让我知道你好吗

Tell you again that I'm fine 再次告诉你,我很好

Then we go about our separate lives 然后,我们去了不同的生活


Phone me tell me that you're waiting 我打电话告诉我,你等待

By the phone for me to phone you 通过手机给我打电话给你

Once in a while 曾经在一段时间

Then we go about our separate lives 然后,我们去了不同的生活


Phone me once in a while 在一段时间打电话给我一次

Let me know you're alright 让我知道你好吗

Tell you again that I'm fine 再次告诉你,我很好

Then we go about our separate lives 然后,我们去了不同的生活

歌词 Amphetamines 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/amphetamines/

歌词 Amphetamines 的作者与版权信息:


Jonathan Siebels, Max Collins, James Maxwell Collins, Anthony Fagenson, Jon Siebels, Tony Fagenson


Southfield Road Music, Fake And Jaded Music, Less Than Zero Music