[English]I'd Tell You But...
[English lyric] Your invasion was a crime Your righteous explanations - lies Kicking in our doors, raids at night Won't win you hearts, you've lost your minds. Your killing of my family Did ...
[中文对照] 你的入侵是一种犯罪 你的公义解释 - 谎言 在踢我们的大门,扫荡夜 不会赢得你的心,你已经失去了你的心。 你杀了我的家人 未作扇出我 ...
[English]The Press Corpse
[English lyric] The {Downing Street} memo says... ...We gotta work to make the facts fit the false charges Pull the wool over the eyes of the filthy masses Stab the people in the back for the ...
[中文对照] 在{唐宁街}备忘录说... ......我们得工作,使事实适应诬告 蒙蔽污秽群众的眼睛 刺人在后面为企业选择 使用人民之声报滚动宣传出去 ...
[English lyric] First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out. Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out. Next they came for the trade unionists, and I did not ...
[中文对照] 首先他们追杀共产主义者,我没有说话。 此后他们追杀社会主义者,我没有说出来。 接着他们追杀工会成员,我没有说话。 然后他们来抓我 ...
[English]The Project For A New American Century
[English lyric] It's a gut check of what you believe A Global Pax Americana Neo-con, neo-fascist blue print - USA hegemony Charlatan war hawks, untried, untrue Celebrate and exploit tragedy To ...
[中文对照] 这是什么,你相信肠道检查 全局美式和平 新保守主义,新法西斯主义蓝图 - 美国霸权 骗子战争鹰派,未尝试过的,不真实的 庆祝和利用的悲剧 偷走控制 ...
[English]Hymn For The Dead
[English lyric] Sing a hymn for the dead Because in death as in life we are one in the same Sing a hymn for the world To avert eugenic errors, go! The sun sets, the light fades The blood red ...
[中文对照] 唱圣歌为死者 因为在死亡的生命 我们是在同一个 唱圣歌,为世界 为了避免优生的错误,走了! 夕阳西下,光衰 血红色的空街 这不是晚上,这不是一天 ...
[English]This Is The End (For You My Friend)
[English lyric] Seems every station on the TV is selling something no one can be If every page was torn from the magazine would cash still drive the media machine? The products, damage and ...
[中文对照] 似乎每个车站的电视上 卖的东西没有人能 如果每一页是从杂志上撕下 将现金还是驱动的媒体机器? 该产品的损坏和追求是无止境 身份可以让你无私 ...
[English]1 Trillion Dollar$
[English lyric] One trillion dollars could buy a lot of bling One trillion dollars could buy most anything One trillion dollars buying bullets, buying guns One trillion dollars in the hands of ...
[中文对照] 1万亿美元可以买很多金光闪闪的 1万亿美元可以买到任何东西 1万亿美元购买子弹,枪买 在杀手,暴徒手中1万亿美元 哇,哦,哦哇哦哇哦,哦,哦 ...
[English]State Funeral
[English lyric] This is the sound of a dropping bomb After years are we still all content With being pawns in war game chess? Shuffled by King George and his English Queen On a board of ...
[中文对照] 这是一个炸弹落下的声音 经过多年的我们还是所有的内容 与正在小卒战争盘棋? 英王乔治和他的英国女王洗牌 在专制的董事会 由于原教旨主义援引故事和寓言 ...
[English]Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man
[English lyric] Recruited by the NSA, my orders to talk smooth and straight If heads of state try to say "No", I lovingly told them "Fuck you!" The jackals lose when I cannot (get through) ...
[中文对照] 由美国国家安全局招募,我的命令说话平直 如果国家元首试着说“不” ,我亲切地对他们说“去你妈的! ” 豺失去的时候我不能(打通) ...
[English]War Sucks, Let's Party!
[English lyric] The Anarchists are buzzin' like bees around a hive As protesters hit the streets with signs, signs, signs The dissent of the world has filled us to the brim But some will still ...
[中文对照] 无政府主义者都buzzin就像围绕着蜂巢的蜜蜂 当示威者打了标志,标牌,指示牌街头 世界上的持不同政见者,填补美国的边缘 但有些仍然投了票 ...
[English]The W.T.O. Kills Farmers
[English lyric] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 I did my best to make it in the world I plowed by sweat in tears into the fertile Generation, generation, generated what was needed for supply to meet ...
[中文对照] 1,2 ,3,4 ,5,6 ,7,8 我尽力使它在世界 我的眼泪拨用汗水变成肥沃 一代一代,产生需要什么 对于供应以满足需求 太阳照在明亮的古老范围 ...
[English]Cities Burn
[English lyric] Woah oh Woah oh Woah oh Woah oh I woke up sweat soaked in the morning I was mourning freedom buried deep. Mourning freedom buried deep. In tickers and broadcasts through power ...
[中文对照] 哇哦,哇哦 哇哦,哇哦 我醒来的时候汗水浸透在早上 我哀悼自由深埋。 莫宁自由深埋。 在通过电力线代号和广播。 自由埋在声音叮咬,埋在头条 我们唱 ...
[English]Depleted Uranium Is A War Crime
[English lyric] [U.S. Representative, Jim McDermott:] "Depleted Uranium is used on the ends of bullets and on the ends of shells because it is so hard {that} almost any armament is vulnerable ...
[中文对照] [美国代表吉姆·麦克德莫特: ] “贫化铀被用于对子弹的两端 和炮弹的末端,因为它是如此的辛苦{ }那 几乎所有的装备是脆弱的东西,是倾斜的贫化铀。 “ ...
- 推荐专辑
- Mi Nina
- We Only Make Believe
- Still Feels Good
- Long Ago And Far Away
- 2
- Country Junkie
- Watching You, Watching Me
- Home For The Holidays
- Get 'Em Girls
- Wake Up The Sleepers
- Analogue
- Fourth Dimension
- The Best Part
- Roll
- You Are Here
- The High Road
- A Christmas Album
- Premonition
- One Fell Swoop
- Lipstick Traces (A Secret History Of Manic Street Preachers)
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。