英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 An Eye For An Eye 中的所有曲目
专辑 An Eye For An Eye 中的所有曲目:

An Eye For An Eye


类型: album

[English]You'll Burn

[English lyric] I will gladly bite the hand that feeds Without a compromise You drew the line at what was yours and what's not mine A snake sucking at the heart of this More guilty than you'd ...

[中文对照] 我会很高兴地要咬手 不妥协 你画的线什么是你的 什么不是我的 蛇吸吮在此的心脏 更有罪比你想承认 腐烂在里面 除以自己两 我看到了魔鬼与我自己的眼睛 ...

[English]A Feast For Crows

[English lyric] What doesn't kill me Feels more like a noose around my neck I've overcome the fear of death Hung my hopes with the same rope That will lead me to my end Hollow now without a ...

[中文对照] 有什么不杀了我 感觉更像是在我脖子上的绞索 我已经克服了对死亡的恐惧 挂我的希望与同绳 这将导致我我到底 现在空心无遗憾感 原谅,但从来没有他妈的忘记 ...

[English]The Common Misconception

[English lyric] Realized there's nothing left but apathy Can't seem to manufacture feelings the way you do so easily Tired from trudging through the dark in hopes of brighter days Sick of ...

[中文对照] 意识到什么都不剩,但冷漠 似乎无法制造的感情,你这样做很容易的方式 从穿过黑暗中的光明希望天跋涉累 生病了,我已经想说的话都吞了 这是很难忍受的思考 ...

[English]I Solemnly Swear

[English lyric] There is no truth in life Only in death can you find that there is no peace and what it means to be alive There is no truth that will set you free Swallow your tongue before ...

[中文对照] 人生本无真相 只有在死后你能发现,就没有和平 这意味着什么是活着 没有真理必叫你们得以自由 燕子你的舌头之前,你想对我说什么是最适合我 你不知道 ...


[English lyric] Born too numb Patience is wearing thin Consumed by struggle Overwhelmed with angst Stuck in my bitter skin Born too numb When all is said and done You have to learn to walk ...

[中文对照] 生得麻木 耐心是穿着单薄 通过斗争消耗 此番与焦虑 停留在我的苦皮 生得麻木 当一切都说过和做过 你要学会走路 之前你曾经尝试运行 他妈的这辈子 只有 ...

[English]The Blackout

[English lyric] You said this time would be the last Around in circles we go again Not holding back the way I used to A death in me is a death in you You said this time would be the last ...

[中文对照] 你说这一次将是最后一次 转转,我们又来了 不隐瞒我过去的方式 在我这样的死是你死 你说这一次将是最后一次 周围一圈不能喘气 你什么时候看到我的观点? ...

[English]In Dreams

[English lyric] Waste away another night Can't leave this bed I've made Given up on life God only knows I've tried To be better There's nothing left inside I got so lost along the way Could ...

[中文对照] 浪费了一个晚上 不能离开这张床我做了 放弃生命 只有上帝知道我已经试过 为了更好地 没有什么留在车内 我有这么前进的道路上迷失 再也找不到的话好说 ...

[English]Into The Ground

[English lyric] Into the ground Got used to watching every year go by With thoughts diluted I stood at the end While my days turned into nights Reliving everything Every fucking memory ...

[中文对照] 入地 习惯了看每年都去了 有了想法稀释我站在年底 虽然我的日子变成了夜 重温一切 每一个他妈的内存 绝望的感觉回去,我已经错过了时间 你去哪里 ...

[English]Serpent Herders

[English lyric] Eyes of hell Slithering skin Demons at my doorstep Won't you let them in Serpent herder wandering souls Through the fields they dance In the fires below Won't you let them in

[中文对照] 地狱之眼 湿滑的皮肤 魔鬼在我家门口 你会不会让他们 蛇牧民 孤魂野鬼 通过他们的舞蹈领域 在下面的火灾 你会不会让他们

[English]Nothing But Blood

[English lyric] Nothing but blood Can change what you have done I've bled myself enough for you The holy one The dark swallowed the day I watched the sun burn out Heard the devil praise my ...

[中文对照] 不过血 可以改变你做了什么 我已经流血自己够你 圣者 当天吞噬黑暗 我看着太阳烧坏 听到魔鬼赞美我的名字 从开始空 头在地上 熏黑的我的心脏 ...

[English]Lord Of Bones

[English lyric] Buried my skeletons inside the darkest part of my thoughts Cut out the bones and left a space for the light to shine on Stitched up the seams when I felt overgrown Cut out the ...

[中文对照] 埋葬了我的骨架我的想法最黑暗部分内 切出的骨骼和留下了空间光照耀 缝合接缝时,我觉得长得太 切出,使得它很难,我的骨头站在我自己 ...

[English]My Own Personal Hell

[English lyric] Detach myself Through my eyes I see the world My own personal hell Is this all in my head? These demons know me so well How do you drown out the voices when you're all alone? ...

[中文对照] 拆下自己 通过我的眼睛,我看到的世界 我自己个人的地狱 这一切在我的头上? 这些恶魔知道我这么好 你怎么淹没的声音,当你独自一人? ...