英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼠属 的英文翻译,例句
鼠属 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Mus  ·  Rattus  ·  Epimys

更多网络例句与鼠属相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Guangxi TV "Information Morning"】 Australia - New Guinea water rats , or coypu, a water rat water rat is a subfamily, there are three kinds, mainly carnivorous.


In pace with the human economic activities, the desert community dominated by jird and jerboa will be replaced by the damp community dominated by M.musculus and C.migratourius. The new community pattern is that R.norvegicus will play an important role in some urban areas.


Any of various small, mouselike rodents of the genus Gerbillus and related genera of arid regions of Africa and Asia Minor, having long hind legs and a long tail.


Gerbil Any of various small, mouselike rodents of the genus Gerbillus and related genera of arid regions of Africa and Asia Minor, having long hind legs and a long tail.


Any of various small,thickset rodent s,especially of the genus Lemmus,inhabiting northern regions and known for periodic mass migrations that sometimes end in drowning.


Any of various small,thickset rodents,especially of the genus Lemmus,inhabiting northern regions and known for periodic mass migration s that sometimes end in drowning.


Small water Rat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


E. cansus, E. baileyi, E. rufescens, M. aspalax and M. psilurus were all proved to be of valid species.


Lemming Any of various small, thickset rodents, especially of the genus Lemmus, inhabiting northern regions and known for periodic mass migrations that sometimes end in drowning.


Myspalax cansus (Rodentia, Myospalacinae, Myspalax)which lives on the loess plateau of our country. This unique underground rats life-long living under the cave, it developed many hypoxic tolerance protect mechanism to adapt its special circumstances at in organsall levels. In this study,we used Gansu zokor and SD rats (Sprague-Dawley)for the object, do serious hypoxia tolerance experiment, to explore the hypoxia tolerance extreme of Gansu zokor, analysis the difference hypoxia tolerance between Gansu zokor and SD rats at same oxygen concentration; The changes on their cardiac muscle organization structures in hypoxia tolerance process ; The expression of HSP70 between normoxic and hypoxic control in cardiac muscle organization of two animals , to find the relativity in all the results.


更多网络解释与鼠属相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


单带短尾负鼠 Monodelphis unistriata | 林负鼠属 Philander | 安氏林负鼠 Philander andersoni


华毛鼠科 Abrocomidae | 华毛鼠属 Abrocoma | 贝氏华毛鼠 A.bennetti


\\"[鼠各]鼠科\\",\\"ABROCOMIDAE\\" | \\"骆鼠(属)\\",\\"Abrocoma\\" | \\"大骆鼠\\",\\"Abrocoma bennetti\\"


牛鼠科 Capromyidae | 牛鼠属 Capromys | 卷尾牛鼠 C.prehensilis


\\"中南美巨鼠科\\",\\"CAPROMYIDAE\\" | \\"古巴巨鼠(属)\\",\\"Capromys \\" | \\"古巴巨鼠\\",\\"Capromys pilorides \\"


澳大利亚-新几内亚水鼠或称河貍鼠,属水鼠亚科水鼠属(Hydromys),有3种,主要肉食性. 栖息在溪流、沼泽、港湾和其他水域. 体长2035公分(814吋),尾长,部分後脚具蹼,被毛浓密似海豹,灰色、金褐至深棕色,鼻孔可闭上,以适应其半水栖的生活.


粗尾负鼠 Lutreolina crassicaudata | 鼠负鼠属 Marmosa | 重眉鼠负鼠 Marmosa andersoni


家蝇(属) Musca | 欧洲睡鼠(属) Muscardinus | 欧洲睡鼠 Muscardinus avellanarius


自然感染率最高的一种蟾蜍(Bufo asiaticus)阳性率可达42.2%. 在福建省一家然终宿主是啮齿动物的两个属:鼠属(Rattus)和板齿鼠属(Bandicota),其鼠

Spermophilus:掘地小栗鼠属 掘地小栗鼠属

Spermatophyta 种子植物门 | Spermophilus 掘地小栗鼠属 掘地小栗鼠属 | Spermophyta 种子植物门