英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼓室切开术 的英文翻译,例句
鼓室切开术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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BACKGROUND: Diagnosis otitis media with effusion in children is very important. The commonly used diagnostic methods are pneumatic otoscopy, tympanometry, acoustic reflectometry, and myringotomy.


更多网络解释与鼓室切开术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

scala tympani:鼓室阶

植入之方式是在全身麻醉下,於已剥除毛发的耳后作一皮肤切口,藉由乳突切开(mastoidectomy),由后方进入中耳腔(posterior tympanotomy),将电极经圆窗上方施行耳蜗造口术(cochleotomy)植入耳蜗之鼓室阶(scala tympani)内,接收器的部分则放置於颞骨上磨出之凹槽内,

myringotome:鼓膜刀 鼓膜切开刀

myringoscope 鼓膜检查镜 鼓膜镜 | myringotome 鼓膜刀 鼓膜切开刀 | myringotomy 鼓膜切开关 鼓室切开术

myringotomy:鼓膜切开关 鼓室切开术

myringotome 鼓膜刀 鼓膜切开刀 | myringotomy 鼓膜切开关 鼓室切开术 | myriocarpine 麦卡品

Myringotomy with eustachian tube inflation Under microscope:显微镜下鼓膜切开术,并鼓室通气管插入

中耳耳茸摘出术 Polypectomy, middle ear | 显微镜下鼓膜切开术,并鼓室通气管插入 Myringotomy with eustachian tube inflation Under microscope | 鼓室探查术 Exploratory tympanotomy

tympanotomy:鼓膜穿刺术 鼓室切开术

tympanosympathectomy 鼓室丛切除术 鼓室交感神经切除术 | tympanotomy 鼓膜穿刺术 鼓室切开术 | tympanous 气鼓的

posterior tympanotomy:后鼓室切开术

posterior tympanic artery 鼓室后动脉 | posterior tympanotomy 后鼓室切开术 | posterior umbilicus 后脐

transantrum posterior tympanotomy:经鼓窦鼓室切开术,经鼓窦鼓室切开术

transamine 反苯环丙胺 | transantrum posterior tympanotomy 经鼓窦鼓室切开术,经鼓窦鼓室切开术 | transargonomic structure 超氩结构

trans-ear canal anterior tympanotomy:经耳道前鼓室切开术

trans-derivative 反式衍生物 | trans-ear canal anterior tympanotomy 经耳道前鼓室切开术 | trans-effect 反式效应

paracentesis of ear drum:鼓膜穿刺术

鼓膜切开术 myringotomy | 鼓膜穿刺术 paracentesis of ear drum | 鼓室粘膜出血 hemorrhage of tympanal mucosa