英语人>词典>汉英 : 麻醉状态 的英文翻译,例句
麻醉状态 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
narcotism  ·  narcotization  ·  dopiness

更多网络例句与麻醉状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was still under the influence of the anesthetic.


The patient, who was anesthetized during the procedure to restabilize his spine, apparently did not suffer any harm from Arndt's absence.


ENI and BIS provide similar information reflecting the states of anesthesia, which allowsaccurate distinguishment between different states of anesthesia.


Taste at lacking narcotic south, the operation is obliged to regain consciousness to fall without narcotism in him undertake.


The heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) of pre-anesthesia, post-anesthesia, during operation and after analepsia in every group were detected. The narcotism was evaluated by Ramsaymin grading method and the related adverse reactions such as cough, restlessness, harmful memory, and abdominal pain after operation were recorded.

选取在兰州大学第一医院普外二科ERCP诊疗中心行治疗性ERCP患者1 660例,分为静脉镇静、镇痛组(n=800)和常规镇静、镇痛组(n=860),观察各组患者麻醉前、麻醉后、术中、麻醉清醒后的心率、血压、呼吸和血氧饱和度的变化,并应用Ramsaymin分级法评估麻醉状态,记录患者术中呛咳、躁动、患者对手术过程有无不良记忆、术后腹痛等相关不良反应的发生。

The results showed that the American shad fingerlings stopped opercular movement less than half an hour after anesthetia when the fish were exposed to concentration of MS-222 at 75mg/L, clove oil at 20mg/L and bezocaine at 40mg/L. The fish recovered to normal behaviors again after exposed in air for less than 10min when transferred into fresh water. The shad fingerlings had good anaesthesia for more than 12h at 20-30mg MS-222/L, 8-10mg/L clove oil and 20-30mg/L benzocaine. The anesthetic effects were enhanced at high water temperature and changed with fish sizes. Small fish were more easily in good anaesthesia than the bigger one in MS-222 while the opposite case was found in clove oil and in benzocaine.

麻醉试验结果表明:在较高麻醉浓度(MS-222为75mg/L以上,丁香油为20mg/L以上,苯唑卡因为40mg/L以上)下,鱼很快(30min内)停止鳃盖张合运动,且停止鳃盖运动的鱼在空气中暴露一定时间(10min内)后也能够复苏;在适宜的麻醉浓度(Ms-222为20~30mg/L,丁香油为8~10mg/L;苯唑卡因为20~30mg/L)下,鱼能够进入麻醉状态,且能保持很长时间(12h);麻醉效果随着水温的升高而增强;在20mg/L MS-222麻醉剂下,小规格鱼较大规格鱼更容易进入麻醉状态,而在10mg/L丁香油和20mg/L苯唑卡因麻醉剂下,小规格鱼却难进入麻醉状态

Thermoregulation in aneasthetized rats is in the best condition when air-condition temperature is 28℃.


The effects of 20~100 mg/L MS-222,Tricaine Methanesulphonat,were tested at water temperature 15~25 ℃ on two species of sturgeons,Acipenser sinensis and A.schrenckii.

以20~100 mg/L的MS-222在水温15~25℃条件下对中华鲟和施氏鲟(A.schrenckii)的麻醉效果进行试验,中华鲟或施氏鲟分别达到不同程度的麻醉状态甚至出现死亡。30~40 mg/L的MS-222具有较好的麻醉效果,鱼的活动量明显下降,可保持镇静并维持身体平衡和正常体位,麻醉48 h后,在清水中数分钟内可恢复正常游动状态,适合于长途运输。50~100 mg/L的MS-222对中华鲟和施氏鲟具有较强的麻醉作用,适合于进行短时间的操作,如捉拿、称重、测量、外科手术、体外标记等。

Exploringly investigate the relationship between electroencephalogram and the anesthesia depth.


Thus, while it appears that the state of generalanesthesia is neither necessary nor sufficient for developmentof postanesthetic memory impairment, the choice of anestheticsmay play a role in late cognitive outcome in the aged.


更多网络解释与麻醉状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dopase 多巴氧化酶 | dopey 麻醉状态的 | Doppler effect 多普勒声光效应

keep under:控制, 压住 压迫, 压制 使处于麻醉状态

keep together (使)不分散 (使)动作协调 | keep under 控制, 压住 压迫, 压制 使处于麻醉状态 | keep up 坚持; 维持; 继续; 不低落; 不为(疾病等)所屈;[刷]用大写正体排印


narcotine 那可汀 | narcotism 麻醉状态 | narcotization 麻醉


这也与复苏术(resuscitation)有关,也就是让受麻醉的病人恢复知觉,或者让因为其他原因而产生的麻醉状态消除. 麻醉医师(anesthetist)是一名操作麻醉药物的专业人员. 从前,麻醉医师经常是医疗技术人员. 今天,这类人员通常被称为麻醉学专家(anesthesiologist),


narcomania 麻药癖 | narcose 麻醉状态的 | narcosis 麻醉


narcotism麻醉状态 | narcotization麻醉法 | narcotize使麻醉


narcotism 麻醉状态 | narcotize 起麻醉作用 | narcotoline 那可托灵


narcotism /麻醉状态/ | narcotize /麻醉/使昏迷/起麻醉作用/ | narcotoline /那可托灵/


narcotize使麻醉 | narcous麻醉状态的 | narco?analysismethodofinterrogation麻醉分析讯问法

narco?analysis method of interrogation:麻醉分析讯问法

narcous 麻醉状态的 | narco?analysis method of interrogation 麻醉分析讯问法 | narrow band syndromes 窄义综合症