英语人>词典>汉英 : 鳕鱼类 的英文翻译,例句
鳕鱼类 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hake  ·  pollock

更多网络例句与鳕鱼类相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fish Recipes - recipes for fish - bluefish, codfish, eels, halibut, herring, perch, trout, seafood Original material Copyright 1990–2006 James T.

鱼类食谱-食谱鱼-下来,鳕,鳗鱼,大比目鱼,鲱鱼,鲈鱼,鳟鱼,海鲜原始材料版权19 90年至2 0 06年詹姆斯t。

Fish Recipes - recipes for fish - bluefish, codfish, eels, halibut, herring, perch, trout, seafood Original material Copyright 1990–2007 James T. Ehler unless otherwise noted.

鱼类食谱-食谱鱼下来,鳕,鳗鱼,比目鱼,鲱鱼,鲈鱼,鳟鱼,海鲜的原始材料, 1990年至2007年版权詹姆斯汤匙ehler除非另有说明。

Arctic Ocean sea biological resources B less, but the Nordic waters rich in fish resources, such as cod classes, herring, capelin, horse mackerel, flounder, etc., in the coastal islands and ice on the Arctic habitat for unique polar bears, walrus, seals, Arctic foxes and so on.


These are the first-known moving images of the abyssal cusk eel – a species of fish that can live deeper in the sea than any other known fish.


Any of various freshwater or marine fishes, especially an eelpout or hornpout.


The EU Standing Committee for the Food Chain has now voted to lift the ban on imports of gelatine and a range of fishery products from China.


A pleasant land it is in sooth of murmuring waters, fishful streams where sport the gurnard, the plaice, the roach, the halibut, the gibbed haddock, the grilse, the dab, the brill, the flounder, the pollock, the mixed coarse fish generally and other denizens of the aqueous kingdom too numerous to be enumerated.


Atlantic haddock caught by trawling can destroy habitat and lead to other fish being discarded as bycatch.


Extracted from liver oil, can be downloaded from the sea mammals in the liver extract.


Any of various fishes that are predominantly blue, such as the pollack.


更多网络解释与鳕鱼类相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adipose fin:脂鳍

高等的棘鳍鱼类(Acanthopterygii)有2个背鳍,第一背鳍由棘组成,第二背鳍主要由软鳍条组成;低等的软鳍鱼类(Malacopterygii)只有一个由软鳍条组成的背鳍,有些种类(鲑、大麻哈鱼、黄颡鱼等)在单个背鳍之后还有一个脂肪性的脂鳍(adipose fin),鳕鱼类有3个背鳍


青鲨(Blue shark)、狗鳕(Hake)、鳕鱼(Pink Ling)和杖鱼(Snoek),这些对新加坡人来说较为陌生的鱼类,或许很快就会成为餐桌上常见的佳肴. 职总平价合作社增加从非洲纳米比亚(Namibia)引进这些冰冻鱼肉. 二月底引进的首批纳米比亚鱼共为7公吨;

Lota tata:江鳕

标准7 兴凯湖湿地有鱼类6 目12 科65 种,从区系组成上可分为5 种复合体,乌苏里白鲑(Coregonus ussuriensis)、江鳕(Lota tata) 2 种属北极淡水鱼类区系合体;黑斑狗鱼(Esox reicherti)等4 种为北方平原鱼类区系复合体;

rockling:[动] 鳕科鱼类(产于北大西洋沿岸)

affine principal normal 仿射主法线 | rockling [动] 鳕科鱼类(产于北大西洋沿岸) | it is intended that 企图, 意图是


rocklike 坚硬 | rockling 鳕科鱼类 | rockman 劈石板工人


最古老的硬骨鱼是古鳕类(Palaeoniscoidea),由此演化出古内鼻孔鱼类(Choanichthyes)和现代硬骨鱼类主体辐鳍鱼类(Actinopterygii). 鱼类的发展经历了泥盆纪的初生时代、中生代的中兴时代,到新生代达到全盛时代,成为脊椎动物中的最大类群.


haddock 鳕科(Gadidae)北大西洋名贵的食用鱼,学名为Melanogrammus aeglefinus. 常熏制为「开肚无头冷熏黑线鱈」出售. 底栖,肉食性,以无脊椎动物和一些鱼类为食. 与鱈相似并近缘,同样具1颏须2臀鳍和3背鳍. 其鉴别特徵为侧线呈黑色而不是淡色,

Gadus macrocephalus:大头鳕

大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)分子系统地理学研究论文目录目录 声明 摘要 英文摘要 第一章绪论 1分子系统地理学在海洋鱼类中的研究进展 1.1发展简史 1.2研究内容 1.3应用 1.4存在的问题及展望 第二章大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)mtDNA控制区


海地卷尾蜥 Haitain Curlytail Lizard; Leiocephalus personatus | 梭鳕俗名 hakes | 鱵鱼类 halfbeaks


岩礁鱼类 rockfishes | 岩鳕类 rocklings | 落矶山大变动 Rocky-mountain revolution