英语人>词典>汉英 : 鲸肉 的英文翻译,例句
鲸肉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

sea beef
更多网络例句与鲸肉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then from the starving cagework city a horde of jerkined dwarfs, my people, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat.


His spectacular appetizers include whale carpaccio with capers, angelica and parmesan shavings, and mattaq -- deep-fried whale skin over a sorbet made with a lemon-flavored plant.


Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research defends this practice under a treaty requirement that resources are not wasted and says income from meat sales goes to research.


Other items on the menu include fried whale cutlet sandwiches and whale hot dogs.


Most likely in order to push the food culture issue even further, the Japanese government recently introduced pilot whale meat to children's school lunch programs, despite the fact that the meat is tainted with mercury and not fit for human consumption.


The unspeakable in pursuit of the almost uneatable.


Excepting a few indigenous settlements here and there,where local hunting using traditional methods is still practiced, whale meat is no longer a dietary staple, and whale oil hasn't fueled any lamps in well over a century .


One bear with a bad rear leg hobbles into the scrum before moving out with a large hunk of whale.


For the first time since 1991, Japan is poised to resume imports of minke whale meat from Norway.


Now, WDCS said, it had found a Web site advertising whale meat for pet food, extolling its virtues as "organic" and "safe and healthy" coming from factories already processing whale meat for human consumption.


更多网络解释与鲸肉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大脑和视觉发达,多为食果动物或杂食性动物 食肉目(Carnivora) 虎、狼、狐、黑熊、大熊猫、狮子、紫貂、獾、水獭、黄鼠狼、猞猁 犬齿发达,臼齿退化,有锐利而弯曲的爪,通常为食肉动物,也有杂食动物 鲸目(Cetacea) 海豚、鲸 水栖鱼形,

Cetacea indet:鲸

鲸目 Cetacea | 鲸 Cetacea indet. | 食肉目 Carnivora


笔者在千叶县(Chiba)一个宁静的渔村Chikura找到这家公司. 千叶县有捕鲸的传统,当地超级市场出售新鲜的小须鲸肉,墙上贴满支持捕鲸的广告. 其中一张海报的画面是这样的:一头吞食鱼的鲸鱼被砍头. 渔业署(Fisheries Agency)所写的产品推介说,

whale gristle:鲸软骨

鲸软骨 whale gristle | 鲸肉 whale meat | 鲸油 whale oil

killer whale:杀人鲸

杀人鲸(Killer Whale)又称「虎鲸」,是一种大型齿鲸,体型巨大身长约为八至十米,背部为黑色腹部是白色,其背鳍弯曲长达一米,嘴巴细长,牙齿锋利,性情凶猛,是食肉动物,是企鹅、海豹等的天敌.

sea beef:鲸肉

精致的家具/elegant appointments | 鲸肉/sea beef | 鲸油/train oil


whalebone鲸鱼骨 | whalemeat鲸鱼肉 | whaleoil鲸油

meat flenser:(鲸、海豹)割肉机

meat factor 肉系数(用测定氮量来磪定肉制品中非脂肪肉含量) | meat flenser (鲸、海豹)割肉机 | meat fly 肉蝇

meat fly:肉蝇

meat flenser (鲸、海豹)割肉机 | meat fly 肉蝇 | meat grinder 绞肉机

They sell dolphin and whale meat right in the dolphinarium:他们就赤裸裸地在海豚馆里 出售海豚肉和鲸鱼肉

and eat a dolphin at the sa... | They sell dolphin and whale meat right in the dolphinarium.|他们就赤裸裸地在海豚馆里 出售海豚肉和鲸鱼肉 | It's the captivity industry that keeps this slaughter going|正...