英语人>词典>汉英 : 鲜嫩 的英文翻译,例句
鲜嫩 的英文翻译、例句


fresh and tender
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Euler early after the sheep and Tibetan wild argali sheep constantly cross-breeding of the skin after the formation of a combination of high-quality goat type species, with strong disease resistance, cold resistance, fitness, and growth and development of fast, high-volume production of meat, fresh meat No smell of mutton taste, commodity rates, operation agility, teamwork and strong resistance, feeding coarse, easily bred and hides, and skin thickness, strong, flexible, and strong features such as heat, is the best skin products market.


The balsam pears sold in market are local farmers' products,so they are especially fresh.


Farmers market to sell the bitter gourd vegetable species are local, so very fresh.


Their strong taste of fat, fresh and spicy bogey.


Spring, the sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow in fresh green leaves of spring and the girl to the sweet-scented osmanthus trees wear green clothes, so that whole tree seems less of a vibrant look.


Cook over medium heat until the chicken is cooked and eggplant is tender.


At home,on any early autumnmorning,many countryfolk would pass my door:the men with bronzedal'nls and protruding calf muscles,their bodies tall and uptight,evok-ing a sense of well-being;the women,usually with white turbans dot.ted with dark flowers,go barefoot and wear short coarse linen skirts,and while they ale not as tall as the men,they still have their ownbrand of healthy beauty.Each carries a shoulderpole with bundles fullof long,fresh and tender sections of lotus root the coour of whitejade.


Every summer, plenty of slender squash and tender cucumbers hung from the green vines; we never needed to go to the vegetable market. All you had to do was to pick a cucumber here, grab an eggplant there, chop them up, toss them on the fire, and an aromatic "DaRu Needle" would be ready in no time, sure to make your mouth water.


All chic womans which arrive full of modesty then disrobe and squeal loud to see vampire man debauch nun very fresh young with dessous troublants .


Fresh bellies of cows or sheep are cleaned and cut into strips , boiled in water at 100, then it can be taken after being seasoned 调味 with oil, sesame paste, vinegar, pepeer oil, chopped caraway 香菜 and shallot , it is rare and crisp质地鲜嫩,口味香脆."Tripe Shi","Tripe Yang""Tripe Feng" and "Tripe Man" are famous restaurants that serve this snack.


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为伞形花科茴香 属茴香种的一个变种,原产意大 利南部,现主要分布在地中海沿 岸地区.球茎茴香膨大肥厚的叶 鞘部鲜嫩质脆,味清甜,具有比 小茴香略淡的清香.在欧美球茎 茴香是一种很受欢迎的蔬菜 朝鲜蓟( 朝鲜蓟(artichoke) ) 朝鲜蓟,别名法国百合,

black tea:黑茶

烘干后的茶叶外形色泽则变得乌黑油润,这就是红茶在国外被称作"黑茶"(BLACK TEA)的原因. 此后,茶叶还要经过人们细心挑选,将茶梗剔除. 加工1000克上等的红茶,一般需要5000克以上鲜嫩的芽叶.

Brassica chinensis:白 菜

中国白菜(Brassica chinensis)又称中国芥菜、小白菜、不结球白菜;叶光泽,深绿色;叶柄厚,白色,脆;不形成叶球;黄色的菜心尤受欢迎. 所有白菜均味美鲜嫩,故能与许多食物搭配食用. 韩国泡菜是到处可见的食品,常用白菜制成.



cabbage mustard:芥蓝

我们点了水煮鲶鱼(鱼上裹着辣椒面儿,然后点缀新鲜花椒,青瓜片儿打底,鱼的味道鲜嫩滑美,卖相甚佳,值得推荐)、泡椒兔肉、芥蓝(Cabbage Mustard)、西蓝花杏鲍菇(Broccoli King Oyster Mushroom ),还点了一扎酸梅汤(a jar of plum syrup)和一个渝信炒饭.

catfish:鲶鱼, 淡水鱼,肉质滑嫩但土腥味较重,可红烧

bass 海鲈鱼, 肉质鲜嫩, 清蒸或烧均可. | catfish 鲶鱼, 淡水鱼,肉质滑嫩但土腥味较重,可红烧. | croaker 白花鱼,跟黄花鱼是一类,肉质很嫩,清蒸.


crisp adj.脆的;鲜嫩的 | Crossett 克罗塞特(姓) | crush vt.榨;挤;压碎

crisp, crunchy:脆

鲜嫩 tender and fresh | 脆 crisp, crunchy | 烹调原料 ingredient

pleasingly firm and fresh:鲜嫩的: 硬而新鲜的

crisp potato chips 松脆土豆片 | 2) pleasingly firm and fresh: 鲜嫩的: 硬而新鲜的: | crisp carrot and celery sticks. 鲜嫩的胡萝卜和芹菜梗

crisp lettuces:鲜嫩的莴苣

crisp fat 猪油渣 | crisp lettuces 鲜嫩的莴苣 | crispbreads 一种瑞典产的黑麦干面包