英语人>词典>汉英 : 鱼 的英文翻译,例句
鱼 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
fish  ·  fished  ·  barracudas

更多网络例句与鱼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A gonopodium is a modified, tubular anal fin used to fertilize the females.


Sea lions eat a lot of types of fish, including Argentina and雪鱼anchovy.


Rough eight bowl is fried shrimp, fish slipped, meat ball, fish cooked in soy and vinegar Waterloo, boil for a short time white meat strips, Benedict gluten, roast pork, fried meatball, meat, such as pine Selected portfolio; fine炒青shrimp from eight bowl, two chicken cooked in soy and vinegar silk, burning three-wire, the whole stew, Crab custard, cucumber ball, bullions meat, chicken broth, chicken cooked in soy and vinegar demolished home boiled fish, mushrooms, etc. Second slip Selected formed; high eight bowl is by the shark four silk, Yipin Officer Yan, shark family blocks,桂花鱼bone, shrimp custard, oil slide covered, burning scallops, scallops four-wire,寿字meat, meat and other hi word combination of.


When I looked up Flathead it came up with 牛尾鱼 which translates into ox tail fish.


To help consumers, the working group recommends that these fish species should be labelled "oilfish" in English and "蜡油鱼" in Chinese as their common names, and no other names, including "cod", should be used.


In Sweden, my first choice would be Regnbge (Rainbow fish/彩虹鱼) which may be called kind of small salmon, shorter than a foot.

另外,Rding 也行,它也类似三文,但身有红点状花纹,不大,一尺多一点。

E-mail has been received specific information, and finally to do is sign in the designated "捞鱼boat", I found this mail in the "harvest" a lot of QQ account number and password, do not appear to be shallow person, I deleted all e-mail, and modify the mailbox password to the smart aleck that the ones who learned.


Connaughton (1994) and Sprague (2000) mentioned that the differences of length, weight, and tension of the sonic muscle and the amount of protein and glycogen affect the types of sounds emitted. To reveal the producer of high-frequency sound, this research analyzed and compared the length, width, thickness and somatic of sonic muscle and the amount of protein and glycogen in seven sciaenid species occuring on the west coast of Taiwan (Johnius tingi, Johnius sina, Johnius amblycephalus, Johnius amblycephalus, Pennahia argentata, Chrysochir aureus, and Otolithes ruber), then to find if the differences of physic parameter and energy supplication are the major factors making O. ruber produce high frequency of sound.

在Connaughton (1994)和Sprague (2000)研究报中指出造成石首产生不同型态的声音主要取决於发声肌肌纤维的长度、重量、张力、蛋白质与肝醣含量的差异性,为了证实高频声音确实为红牙或所产生,本研究将分析比较在台湾西岸海域其他不同石首(红牙或、黄金鳍或、白姑、中华叫姑、皮氏叫姑、丁氏叫姑与顿头叫姑)发声肌之长度、重量、蛋白质与肝醣含量差异,探讨发声肌在物理参数与能量的供应的差异是否为造成红牙或产生高频鸣音之主要因素。

Our commany have:Lateolabrax japonica,frozen angel fillet,Loligo chinensis,Raja dengu,sarda orientalis, Scomber japonicus,Thunnus obesus, Scomber australasicus,Euthynnus affinis, Thunnus thynnus,Thunnus albacares,Katsuwonus pelamis,common mackerel,Octopus ocellatus,Octopus oliven,horse mackerel,mackerel without head,tail and gut,salting Flying Fish Roe,octopus,bonito and so many kinds of fish.


During remediation experiment, the addition of benzene acid and Tween 80 gave higher CO2 evolution. The result of Microtox assay showed good correlation between aromatic rings of PAHs at low concentration. The Medaka embryo toxicity test had presented that while eggs were exposed to the soil extracts from fluoranthene and pyrene at high concentration (3mg PAHs/g soil), the embryo showed low hatch ratio、bleeding, high abnormal ratio and delayed mature period. The addition of composting materials for remediation study showed strong embryo toxicity to Medaka embryo at all test concentration.

青鱂卵试验部分,受单一与混合PAHs污染土壤之萃取物对青鱂卵孵化影响,当暴露在浓度3 mg PAHs /g soil时,及四环的Fluoranthene与Pyrene之下,皆有高未孵化率、高出血率、高畸形率及孵化天数的延迟现象产生;而在复育实验之土壤萃取物对青鱂卵孵化之影响,以添加酸性界面活性剂与中性界面活性剂实验组其卵之未孵化率皆为零,与Microtox毒性测试结果有良好的关连;加入不同复育添加剂中,则以添加菜肥之实验组,对於青鱂卵孵化之影响为最大。

更多网络解释与鱼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

betta:搏鱼, 搏鱼属的鱼

betrunked river | 断尾河 | betta | 搏, 搏属的 | Betta | 搏属, 斗

A.hypselonotus blee:寡鳞刺鱼旁鱼皮

(52)高体皮 Rhodeus oceilatuss | (53)寡鳞刺皮 A.hypselonotus blee | (54)巨口刺皮 A.fabiro J EL T


最好的是七八月间,所谓蓝(Bluefish)出现之时. 这是一种猛悍捕食他类的. 大概鲭出现,蓝跟着就来追逐. 所以钓蓝,有与决斗的意味. 凡钓的人,最不喜欢温驯上来的. 若海底左目之类,一上钩若无其事就拉上来. 蓝不然,

Ceratodus zigongensis:肺鱼目 角齿鱼科 角齿鱼属 自贡角齿鱼

硬骨纲 半椎目 半椎科 鳞齿属 大山铺鳞齿 Lepidotes dasha... | 肺目 角齿科 角齿属 自贡角齿 Ceratodus zigongensis | 两栖纲 片椎目 短头鲵科 中国短头鲵属 扁头中国短头鲵 Sinobrachyops placen...

scleropages formosus:美丽硬仆骨舌鱼

金龙简介学名:美丽硬仆骨舌 (Scleropages formosus)别名:美丽巩、金龙英文名:Asian bonytongue,Arowana分类:骨舌科、巩属产地:有不同形态的几个品系,名贵的有过背金龙和红龙.


台湾野生孔雀属卵胎生科胎属孔雀种(学名Poecilia reticulata),英名(Guppy, Million Fish)原产中、南美洲,现已分布全世界,而无色的大肚则同属于卵胎生科但为食蚊属(Gambusia)的食蚊,英名(Mosquito Fish),

Oncorhynchus keta:大麻哈鱼

大麻哈(Oncorhynchus keta)属鲑形目,鲑科,麻哈属. 俗称:大发哈,达发哈,果多,罗锅,孤东,齐目,奇孟,花斑鳟,花鳟. 英文名:Big pacific-salmon , Chum salmon . 大麻哈体长而侧扁,略似纺锤形;头后至背鳍基部前渐次隆起,

Pterophyllum scalare:神仙鱼

现在发现了三种神仙,都属于高鳍属:"普通神仙"(Pterophyllum altum),"大神仙"(Pterophyllum scalare)和"黑神仙"(Pterophyllum leopoldi). 大神仙和普通神仙形状类似,但体形更大,高可达18厘米,性格也更为凶猛. 黑神仙是一种人工选育的变种,

Engraulis japonicus:鱼是 鱼

对1999~2001年在黄海中南部采集的(是)(Engraulis japonicus)消化道进行了分析.产卵场的(是)仔稚和越冬场的成都是主要在白天摄食,胃饱满指数白天明显高于夜间.(是)消化道中的食物团几乎全部由浮游动物......应用扫海面积法,

Lepidotes dashanpuensis:硬骨鱼纲 半椎鱼目 半椎鱼科 鳞齿鱼属 大山铺鳞齿鱼

弓鲛属未定种 Hybodus sp. | 硬骨纲 半椎目 半椎科 鳞齿属 大山铺鳞齿 Lepidotes dashanpuensis | 肺目 角齿科 角齿属 自贡角齿 Ceratodus zigongensis