英语人>词典>汉英 : 高歌 的英文翻译,例句
高歌 的英文翻译、例句


sing loudly · sing with a resounding voice · Ge Gao
更多网络例句与高歌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You have sung to me in my aloneness,and I of you longings have built a tower in the sky.


L Professional digital Karaoke reverberation system, available for 2 microphones connections. Perfect performance embodied for either antistrophe or duo. Plus, the imported original digital time-lapse apparatus will definitely enjoy your sweet singing and have more fun. You have a perfect machine that brings you rejoicing of Karaoke of tour sound from Home Theater and Room of Entertaining.

l 专业数码卡拉 OK 延时混响系统,可接驳两支麦克风,无论对唱或二重唱均能挥洒自如,更采用原装进口之数码延时器件,令您开怀高歌,歌声特别动听,乐趣无穷,让您一机享有环绕声效果及最适合家庭影院或营业场所享受卡拉 OK 的乐趣。

She also belted out songs from her new album "Together".


Joyful crowd belting intoxicated dance, totally immersed in a harvest of joy.


My birds'nests,and thy melodies will break forth


We are already used to it because we play at the San Siro. The fans there were great and really gave the impression that they know what the game is all about, but the same goes for our fans, who aren't afraid to break out into song for us.


They range from huge buildings like Cashbox to smaller restaurants with a special room for singing .


Then some birds good at imitating sounds began to imitate the rings of mobile phones when they are in the mating season or chirrup loudly.


The Cockerel stretched himself to his hull height, closed his eyes tight and began to crow at the top of his voice.


Argentine Rotarians, dressed in traditional gaucho clothing, sing during the International Fellowship Dinner and Dance.


更多网络解释与高歌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ambiguousness of years is worthwhile to try:岁月的暧昧不虚此行

A gust of warm wind 一袭暖风 | The ambiguousness of years is worthwhile to try 岁月的暧昧不虚此行 | I sing loudly 我高歌

Or triumphal chaunt:因胜利高歌

Chorus hymeneal 为婚礼吟唱 | Or triumphal chaunt 因胜利高歌 | Matched with thine, would be all 与你共唱,便只可矫揉附和,

Sing for Ever:永远高歌

04 Voca me 呼唤我 | 05 Sing for Ever 永远高歌 | 06 Rest in peace 天使的安慰

Wenzhou Googol Imp & Exp Co Ltd:江苏高歌机电有限公司

Wenzhou Gangshen Sersor Manufacture Co Ltd温州港申汽配... | Wenzhou Googol Imp & Exp Co Ltd江苏高歌机电有限公司E3G46 | Wenzhou Guanshun Auto-Parts And Camshafts Manufacture Co Ltd温州冠顺汽配凸轮轴制造...

Quaffing infernally:高歌痛饮,人生几何

我们狂放,嘲弄一切 Jesting eternally | 高歌痛饮,人生几何 Quaffing infernally | 特啦,塔特啦,嗵! Tara, tantara, teino!

Nor is there singing school but studying:但是世上哪儿去找灵魂高歌的学校

For every tatter in its mortal dress, 为那死亡之衣上的每一个破洞 | Nor is there singing school but studying 但是世上哪儿去找灵魂高歌的学校 | Monuments of its own magnificence; 惟有独自研习深迥的真理

No song unsung, no wine untasted:无时无刻都在纵情高歌, 肆无忌惮品尝美酒

There was no ransom to be paid 而我不用任何付出 | No song unsung, no wine untasted 无时无刻都在纵情高歌, 肆无忌惮品尝美酒 | But the tigers come at night 但轻薄的男子却在夜晚出现

Carol playing,women swooning:颂赞高歌,女人晕眩

World spinning on the axis of thee.以你为轴,世界高速运转 | Carol playing,women swooning.颂赞高歌,女人晕眩 | Twill' revolve round the shaft of Cupid.欲玩转爱神之箭

Sing Up For The Champions:为冠军高歌

Glory, Glory, Man United 光荣属于曼联 | And The Reds Go Marching On! On! On! 红色军团勇往直前 | Sing Up For The Champions 为冠军高歌

The Bobolinks -- begun:食米鳥開始高歌

The Hills untied their Bonnets -- 山丘解開了其帽子 | The Bobolinks -- begun -- 食米鳥開始高歌 | Then I said softly to myself -- 我輕聲的對自己說--