英语人>词典>汉英 : 高年级学生 的英文翻译,例句
高年级学生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
seniors  ·  upperclassman

更多网络例句与高年级学生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The following example creates a query that returns the name and rank of seniors whose academic rank is between 1 and 10, in order of academic rank.


This is an elective course for senior students majoring in archival science.


Children's Literature was founded jointly by Chinese Communist Youth League and Chinese Author Association in 1963.It is a high-interest, elaborate original creativity for higher grades of primary schools and middle school students.


By using BALLI(Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory) the author investigated the learning beliefs of a group of fourth-year English majors.


We had to decide whether to limit our club to seniors or to include lower classmen .


Attention of upper classmen, who clamored to know the salute'ssignificance, Coniglio says. Cubberley students began skipping their


The correlations between personal self and collective self, relational self and collective self are significant but low, and the correlation between personal self and relational self is not significant. 3. College students' self-construals are grouped into 5 types: balanceable, weak relational oriented, weak group oriented, interdependent, and independent; with the ratio to be 36.06%, 20.55%, 19.71%, 15.72% and 7.97% respectively.


The Practice Evaluation of Quadrilateral Concept for Elementary School Students, a book designed by the researcher of this study, will be a tool in evaluating middle- and high-graders' concept and degree of cognition about quadrilaterals.


The high schooler succeeded. The grade schooler failed.


Classmates at Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., say he was bullied for being shy and having an accent.

高中同学说赵小时候因为腼腆说英语有口音被别的同学欺负过(bully 经常指欺负弱小者;在大学里有不少高年级学生欺负新来的学生这那叫做 hazing)。

更多网络解释与高年级学生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alumnus; alumna:校友

辅导员assistant for political and ideological work | 校友alumnus; alumna | 高年级学生pupil/student in senior grades

Environmental Engineering:环境工程

技术原理和工程措施.为适应社会多方面的需求,拓宽学生专业知识面,全系统一按"环境工程"专业招生,学生入学后执行学分制教学计划,在高年级设置"环境工程"(Environmental Engineering)和"给水排水工程"(Water Supply and Sewer System Engineering)两个专业的分组选修课,

galois theory:伽罗瓦理论

武大数学系希望他在研究工作之余能去珞珈山作短期或一学期的讲学.1947年秋,李华宗曾说起此事并称他将为高年级学生开设"伽罗瓦理论"(Galois Theory)一课,准备以范.德.瓦尔登(B.L.Van derWaerden)的>(上卷)为主要教材.1948年春他因患病(慢性肾炎)未能成行,

laughing out loud:大声笑

许多人不懂,但他们自己明白,原来就是"大声笑"(laughing out loud)的意思. 一个专家被邀请给加利福尼亚一个高中高年级的学生讲课,那些学生都"非常聪明",而她讲课的主题是大学录取面试,让专家感到担心的是,这些高中生的模拟回答非常简短,


upperclassman 高年级学生 | uppercut 直击 | uppermost 最高的


高年级学生upperclassman | 高镍nickelic | 高镍合金Langaloy


uppercase 大写字母的 | upperclassman 高年级学生 | uppercut 直击

An upperclassman simply wouldn't care:高年级的学生都不会在意

The blasts all started when we were in the ninth grade.|所有的爆炸性... | An upperclassman simply wouldn't care.|高年级的学生都不会在意 | So you're saying gossip girl's a senior,like us?|所以你是说绯闻...


uppercase 大写字母的 | upperclass 上流 | upperclassman 高年级学生

galois theory:伽罗瓦理论

武大数学系希望他在研究工作之余能去珞珈山作短期或一学期的讲学.1947年秋,李华宗曾说起此事并称他将为高年级学生开设"伽罗瓦理论"(Galois Theory)一课,准备以范.德.瓦尔登(B.L.Van derWaerden)的<<近世代数学>>(上卷)为主要教材.1948年春他因患病(慢性肾炎)未能成行,