英语人>词典>汉英 : 骨软骨的 的英文翻译,例句
骨软骨的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
osseocartilaginous  ·  osteocartilaginous  ·  osteochondrous  ·  osteochondral

更多网络例句与骨软骨的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our findings demonstrate that in conjunction with clinical and radiographic findings, immunohistochemical evaluation with a panel of D2-40, EMA, brachyury, and GFAP is most useful in distinguishing chordoid meningioma from chordoid glioma, skeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, chordoma, low-grade chondrosarcoma, and enchondroma. A lack of strong, diffuse S100 reactivity may also be useful in excluding chordoid meningioma.


Material and MethodsRA Rabbit Model group: 15 early RA rabbits of the same weight and variety Control group:10 normal rabbits of the same weight and varietyMethods of making RA rabbit model:elect 15 normal rabbits of the same weight and variety, dissolve Ovalbumin in 0.9% sodium chloride solution, to make the solution of 20mg/ml concengtration, blend the same quantity of complete Freund′s Adjuvant equably ,inject the mixed solution into endermic tissue of the rabbit′s scapular section, making the rabbits allergic, inject 1 ml of the mixed solution to one rabbit every time, inject 1 ml of the mixed solution in 5 different places of the rabbit′s scapular section, inject the rabbit one time every week,inject 3 weeks continuously,it turned out to be that the rabbits will be allergic, inject Ovalbumin blent with the 0.9% sodium chloride solution into the knee joint cavity of the rabbits in the fourth week, 5 mg Ovalbumin every knee joint cavity,two knees of every rabbit of the 15 rabbits are both injected,the arthrosis diameter and the exterior temperature of the knees will be added obviously in 24 hours,and they will drop gradually,at the time of the 14th or 21th day, the arthrosis diameter and the exterior temperature of the knees will get to the balance time,the incidence rate of RA is 100%.after the RA model succeeds,it is the early time of RA from the first week to the fourth week,after the fourth week,it is the late time of RA, the cartilage of the femoral condyle and the subchondral bone cortices will be changed unrecoverily.


Cartilage damage can also occur as part of other rare conditions such as osteochondritis dissecans (where loss of blood supply causes a piece of bone and cartilage to separate from the bone) and relapsing polychondritis (which causes swelling of the cartilage in the ear).


Then the cultivated chondrocytes were embedded in fibrin glue fused on spongy bone, covered with priosteal flap; the complex was used to repair the femoral trochlea osteochondral defect which size is 3mm × 4mm × 4mm made in rabbit knee joint.


Methods: Nineteen patients with symptomatic chondral and osteochondral lesions of the knee who were treated with fresh osteochondral allografts between 1999 and 2002 were prospectively followed. The mean age at the time of surgery was thirty-four years.


Methods: Nineteen patients with symptomatic chondral and osteochondral lesions of the knee who were treated with fresh osteochondral allografts between 1999 and 2002 were prospectiely followed. The mean age at the time of surgery was thirty-four years.


BACKGROUND: Many studies have achieved certain progress in repair of the osteochondral defect by tissue-engineered chondral composite graft which was constructed with different methods. But the existing problems of these methods are presented that the coupling of interfaces of bone and cartilage in graft and host is not ideal.


There hae been a few reported cases of bursal osteochondromatosis inoling the retrocalcaneal, subacromial, and subcoracoid bursae2,10,11; howeer, infrapatellar bursal osteochondromatosis has neer been reported in the English-language literature, to our knowledge.


Osteochondromas, or osteocartilaginous exostoses, are the most common primary benign bone tumors and usually occur in the metaphyses of long bones.


It is further confirmed by the experiment of muti-inducement that MSMPs can differentiate into osteocyte sand fibrocartilage cytes and it is osteo-chondro progenitor cells with the potential ability to evolve muti-differentiated. This added evidence to the view that condylar cartilage differentiated from osteo-chondro progenitor cells in the mesenchymal cells of mancibular periosteal.


更多网络解释与骨软骨的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

articular cartilage:关节软骨

1.关节软骨 关节软骨(articular cartilage)为关节表面的薄层透明软骨,表面光滑,附有滑液,可减小关节运动时的磨擦力. 关节软骨与一般的透明软骨有一定差异,表层的细胞较小,单个分布,深层的细胞较大,成行分布,近骨部的软骨基质钙化,

articular cartilage:软骨

1.关节软骨 关节软骨(articular cartilage)为关节表面的薄层透明软骨,表面光滑,附有滑液,可减小关节运动时的磨擦力. 关节软骨与一般的透明软骨有一定差异,表层的细胞较小,单个分布,深层的细胞较大,成行分布,近骨部的软骨基质钙化,


你好软 骨 软骨(cartilage)由软骨组织及其周围的软骨膜构成. 软骨组织由软骨细胞、纤维和基质构成. 在胚胎发生时期,软骨作为临时性骨骼,成为身体的支架. 随着胎儿发育,软骨逐渐被骨所代替. 在成人体内仍保留一些软骨,具有支持和保护功能.


内生软骨瘤(Enchondroma)占良性骨瘤的 15%,是第二种最常见的良性骨瘤,骨科专科医生林国基指出,这种良性瘤变成恶性肿瘤的机率极微. 其成因不明,多数生长於手脚骨头位置,如指骨、掌骨或跖骨等. 大部份患者介乎 10-40岁,尤以 20多岁的青年最为普遍,


儿童时期发生于骨骺或骨突部分的缺血性坏死又称骨软骨炎 (osteochondritis) . 股骨头骨骺缺血坏死( osteochondrosis of femoral head )又称 Legg-Perthes 病,是较常见的儿童骨软骨炎,发病与儿童期股骨头骨骺血供较单一有关,外伤是主要致病因素.

Osteochondritis Dissecans:分离性骨软骨炎

肿瘤病引起的变形性骨炎 Osteitis deformans in neopastic dise... | 分离性骨软骨炎 Osteochondritis dissecans | 骨软骨发育不良,伴有管状和脊柱发育缺陷 NOS Osteochondrodyspl with defct growth tub bone spine ...

tarsectomy:跗骨切除术; 睑板切除术 (名)

tarsal 跗骨的; 眼睑软骨的 (形) | tarsectomy 跗骨切除术; 睑板切除术 (名) | tarsus 踝, 眼睑软骨, 踝骨 (名)


软骨母细胞瘤(chondroblastoma)又称为成软骨细胞瘤,是一种少见的原发性骨肿瘤,约占骨肿瘤的1%,多发生于青少年,男性比女性多见. 主要发生在股骨、胫骨及肱骨,少见于扁骨和颅面骨. 发生于颞下颌关节者更为少见,现报告本院收治一例病例如下.

endochondral; enchondral:軟骨內的;發自軟骨內的

软骨内骨化 endochondral ossification | 软骨内的;发自软骨内的 endochondral; enchondral | 软骨内(成)骨 endochondrostosis


骨软骨瘤(osteochondroma)又称骨疣是最常见的良性肿瘤,可以单发或多发,也可与血管瘤同时存在,称Maffucci综合征. 孤立性骨软骨瘤多见于年龄较大的儿童;多发性骨软骨瘤或骨软骨瘤病,又称家族性子骺端续连症是一种遗传性疾病,属隐性遗传.