英语人>词典>汉英 : 骨软骨瘤 的英文翻译,例句
骨软骨瘤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
osteochondroma  ·  osteoenchondroma

更多网络例句与骨软骨瘤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Careful evaluation of the calcifications is necessary to avoid confusion with other lesions such as osteosarcoma, chondroma, osteochondroma, or chordoma.


The pathology, clinical manifestations, X-ray findings and treatment principles of benign bone tumors, osteochondroma, chondroma and giant cell tumor of bone .


E2F- 1 expression was detected by immunohistochemistry in 20 cases of chondrosarcoma and 8 cases of osteochondroma of the jaws.


Early enhancement was seen in chondrosarcoma, not seen in enchondroma, and seen in osteochondroma only when growth plates were unfused.


The approach also is used for osteochondritis dissecans inoling the lateral part of the dome of the talus and for osteochondromatosis of the ankle.


There hae been a few reported cases of bursal osteochondromatosis inoling the retrocalcaneal, subacromial, and subcoracoid bursae2,10,11; howeer, infrapatellar bursal osteochondromatosis has neer been reported in the English-language literature, to our knowledge.


Osteochondromas, or osteocartilaginous exostoses, are the most common primary benign bone tumors and usually occur in the metaphyses of long bones.


Results: The expressing rate of OPG was significant different between osteosarcoma and osteochondroma.

结果: 骨肉瘤与骨软骨瘤OPG的表达有显著性差异,骨肉瘤与骨软骨瘤OPGL的表达无显著性差异。

Both cyclin D1 and cdk4 were present in 1/ 8 (12.5%) osteochondroma of the jaws.

结果 软骨肉瘤cyclin D1和cdk4阳性表达率分别为70%(14/ 20)和65%(13/20),二者的阳性表达存在正相关(rs= 0.526, P 0.05);而它们在骨软骨瘤的阳性表达率均为12.5%(1/ 8),在软骨瘤无表达,与软骨肉瘤相比有显著性差异(P 0.05)。

Of hereditary multiple exostoses and solitary osteochondromas, 9% and 1.3% to 4.1%, respectiely, occur in the spine. In either case, neurologic symptoms are not common.


更多网络解释与骨软骨瘤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


软骨瘤(chondroma) 自软骨膜发生者,称外生性软骨瘤;发生于手足短骨和四肢长骨等骨干的骨髓腔内者称为内生性软骨瘤. 内眼观,前者自骨表面突起,常分叶;后者使骨膨胀,外有薄骨壳. 切面呈淡蓝色或银白色,半透明,可有钙化或囊性变,

Periosteal chondroma:骨外软骨瘤; 骨膜软骨瘤

Periosteal cachexia 骨膜原恶病质 | Periosteal chondroma 骨外软骨瘤; 骨膜软骨瘤 | Periosteal contusion 骨膜挫伤

Osteoid chondroma:骨软骨瘤

Osteoid carcinoma; Osteoid cancer 骨质癌 | Osteoid chondroma 骨软骨瘤 | Osteoid fibrosarcoma 骨样纤维肉瘤

Endosteal chondroma:骨内软骨瘤; 骨髓软骨瘤

Endopathy 内因病 | Endosteal chondroma 骨内软骨瘤; 骨髓软骨瘤 | Endosteal tumor; Central osteoma 内生骨瘤; 中央骨瘤


骨软骨瘤(osteochondroma)又称骨疣是最常见的良性肿瘤,可以单发或多发,也可与血管瘤同时存在,称Maffucci综合征. 孤立性骨软骨瘤多见于年龄较大的儿童;多发性骨软骨瘤骨软骨瘤病,又称家族性子骺端续连症是一种遗传性疾病,属隐性遗传.

osteochondroma:骨软骨瘤 软骨骨瘤

osteochondrolysis 骨软骨脱离 | osteochondroma 骨软骨瘤 软骨骨瘤 | osteochondromatosis 骨软骨瘤

solitary osteochondroma:单发性骨软骨瘤

单侧髁囊肿 solitary bone cyst,SBC | 单发性骨软骨瘤 solitary osteochondroma | 单发性骨髓瘤 solitary myeloma

osteochondroma excision:骨软骨瘤切除术

proximal humerus tumor excision 肱骨近端肿瘤切除术 | osteochondroma excision 骨软骨瘤切除术 | thigh amputation 大腿截肢术

excision of osteochondroma:骨软骨瘤切除术

excision of head of radius桡骨小头切除术 | excision of osteochondroma骨软骨瘤切除术 | epulis牙龈瘤


osteoectomy 骨切除术 | osteoenchondroma 骨软骨瘤 | osteoepiphysealline 骨骺线