英语人>词典>汉英 : 骨肥大的 的英文翻译,例句
骨肥大的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与骨肥大的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adiponectin and visfatin could be a link between fat mass and bone in acromegaly.


Results A 19-year old boy with acue on the face and the back of chest as well as pustulosis at both axil was examined.


Results:Compared with control,the re were significant increase in bones length and length of their diaphyses after treated with 10-7 mol/L estrone.

16 d胎龄雌性小鼠尺骨在含有雌酚酮的BGJb培养基中旋转培养48 h后,测量骨总长和骨干长度;H.E染色,光镜下计数破骨细胞和肥大软骨细胞。

objectiveto search a simple, safe and effective method for correction of prominent mandibular angle and malar under localanesthesia.methodsaccording to the patient' s condition with prominent mandibular angle and malar, abrasive osteoplasty was performed using the special designed grinding burs with protecting sheath through intraoral incisions under local anaesthsia.resultsfrom 2004 to 2008, we have performed 35 patients with prominent mandibular angle and malar using this method.


More thicker epiphyseal plate were found in the left femurs than the right femurs of the group fixed with plates at 3 and 6 month after operation. In the group fixed with plates, Safranine O staining showed epiphyseal plates ot the left femurs had more fuscous staining than the right femurs at 3 and 6 month after operation. Electron microscopy also found that the cells of the epiphyseal plates of left femurs were more eugenic than the right femurs in the group fixed with plates at 3 and 6 month after operation.

光镜学实验结果示滑动钢板固定的左侧股骨骨骺板总厚度及肥大细胞计数均明显大于普通组;组织化学观察示滑动钢板固定的左侧股骨骺板于术后3个月及6个月Safranine O组织化学染色明显深于普通组;电镜观察示滑动钢板固定的左侧股骨骨骺于术后3个月及6个月软骨增殖区软骨细胞分裂及生长较普通钢板固定的右侧活跃。

The bone width of mandibular angle shortened (7.69 ± 0.89) mm; the soft tissue width of mandibular angle shortened (5.13±1.19) mm; the both gonial angle increased (5.68±1.43)° and (5.91±1.66)°, respectively. Applied to actual surgery procedure, the operation time shortened and precision of operation was improved.


0 D; X8 K富阳论坛 Prof Bonthron, Dr Chris Bennett of the Yorkshire Regional Genetics Service and their colleagues studied a group of patients suffering from inherited primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, a genetic disorder in which the finger clubbing is accompanied by painful joint enlargement and a thickening of the bone.

Bonthron教授以及约克郡基因所得Chris Bennett博士和他们的同事们研究了一组罹患原发性肥大性骨关节病的病人,这种病是一种发生杵状指并伴随着进行性股关节痛及骨肥厚的遗传病。3 p1 _6 c O k* d: b+ z1 e富阳论坛,富阳新闻,富阳民声,富阳交友,富阳旅游,富阳美食,富阳房产,富阳商贸 B! j。 A! S4 z$ X, c5

All patients had neurological involvement, including increased intracranial pressure, chronic aseptic meningitis, and developmental delay; 7 had bony overgrowth, 15 ocular, and 14 otological manifestations of NOMID.

所有病人都累及神经系统,包括颅内压升高、慢性无菌性脑膜炎,和发育迟缓;7例有骨肥大,15例有眼部和14例有耳部 NOMID 的临床表现。

Results Positive staining for VEGF was distributed mostly in osteoblasts, osteoclasts and newly-born osteocytes. Vascular endothelial cells and bone marrow cells also showed VEGF positive reaction. Hypertrophic chondrocytes in calcifying region of chondroephysis were VEGF positive, but VEGF was absent from chondrocytes in other zones of chondroephysis.

结果 VEGF阳性反应主要见于成骨细胞、破骨细胞及新生骨细胞中,血管内皮细胞及骨髓细胞也呈阳性反应;骺软骨钙化区肥大的软骨细胞为VEGF阳性反应,但其它区域的软骨细胞中无VEGF表达。

The bones were harvested, then bones length and length of their diaphyses were measured under stereo microscope. The histomorphometric analyses on midlongitudinal sections of bones were performed.

16d胎龄雌性小鼠尺骨在含有葛根素的BGJb培养基中旋转培养4 8h后,测量骨总长和骨干长度;HE染色,光镜下计数破骨细胞和肥大软骨细胞。

更多网络解释与骨肥大的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cushing disease:柯兴病

CRH分泌过量是柯兴病(Cushing disease)的病因. GHRH分泌过多,导致肢端肥大症. 较早地分泌过多的GnRH引起垂体促性腺激素(Gn)的过早释放,可以导致真性青春期早熟. 先天性囊性纤维性骨炎综合征(AIbright syndrome)可合并性早熟.


分泌较多的生长激素,因此时骨骺已愈合而躯体不能变得异常高大,就造成骨末端及其韧带等软组织增生,肥大,使肢端较正常明显粗大,称为肢端肥大症.7.平跖足(flatfoot) 正常人直立时足跟与足掌前部及足趾部位平稳着地,

hyperosmia:嗅觉过敏 (名)

hyperopic 远视的 (形) | hyperosmia 嗅觉过敏 (名) | hyperostosis 骨肥大; 骨肥厚 (名)


hyperosteogeny 骨发育过度 | hyperostosis 骨肥大 | hyperostotic 骨肥大的


1.髂骨(ilium)为髋骨的上部,分体和翼两部. 髂骨翼在体的上方,为宽阔的骨板,弧形上缘称髂嵴. 嵴的前端为髂前上棘. 2. 坐骨(ischium)是髋骨的后下部,其下端后面有肥大而粗糙的坐骨结节,是重要的体表标志. 坐骨后缘有一锥状突起称坐骨棘,


hyperostosis 骨肥大 | hyperostotic 骨肥大的 | hyperoxemia 血酸性过强

hyperostotic:骨肥大的; 骨肥厚的 (形)

hyperostosis 骨肥大; 骨肥厚 (名) | hyperostotic 骨肥大的; 骨肥厚的 (形) | hyperparathyroidism 甲状旁腺功能亢进 (名)

pearl disease:牛结核病:牛的腹膜和肠系膜结核

Pavy's disease Pavy病:同cyclic proteinuria | pearl disease 牛结核病:牛的腹膜和肠系膜结核 | pearl-worker's disease 珍珠工病:反复的骨炎症伴肥大,见于在珍珠粉尘中工作的人