英语人>词典>汉英 : 骤降 的英文翻译,例句
骤降 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与骤降相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Slump 1 a sudden decrease in prices, sales, profits etc骤降 slump in a slump in car sales 2 a period when there is a reduction in business and many people lose their jobs :衰退时期 The war was followed by an economic slump.


Slump 1 a sudden decrease in prices, sales, profits etc骤降 slump in a slump in car sales bbs.TopSage.com 2 a period when there is a reduction in business and many people lose their jobs :衰退时期 The war was followed by an economic slump.

关于咖啡的产区,关于咖啡的产区,特性咖啡的生产地带介于北纬 25 度到南纬 30 度,涵盖了中,西非,中东,印度,南亚,太平洋,拉丁美洲,加勒比海的许多国家。

As consumer confidence sags in the face of declining home values, people are less likely to make big-ticket purchases.


At Bomb Bay, visitors stand on a door that opens without warning and sends them down a wet, 76-fft plunge .


The temperature of surface concrete varies with environmental temperature, but the conductibility of inner concrete is very poor. As a result, a quick decrease of environmental temperature will lead to large temperature gradient and then tensile stressdevelop soon in the thick direction, which will probably occur on the entire cross-section.


The welcome news comes after nine months of the sharpest contraction in global manufacturing output since the second world war and a dramatic plunge in world trade as buyers of capital goods and consumer durables effectively went on strike.


From Spring to Autumn,and when the coolish wind blows from the horizon,I write your name on the window with frost…In the empty night,the land is covered by the thick snow.


From spring to fall ,going to coolish wind blow from skyline ,i write down your name slowly in the efflorescent glazing ,it's expansion , ground was covered by thick snow ,i was still nourish gladness in the lower temperature.


From spring to autumn, to the coolish wind blowing up the horizon, I write slowly your name on the bloomed glazing… the night sky is vast, and the earth is paved fully by the snow. I am still joyful in the suddenly dropping temperature.


Experts from meteorological department pointed out that the reason why it snowed at that time is that the atmospheric pressure above the area dropped suddenly to 950 millibars. It was 20 millibars lower than the limit of the normal atmospheric pressure. In June, 2000, the temperature in Koppaonike City, a small town in the plain of Yugoslavia, was over 15 degrees centigrade all along. But in midday of June 17 it dropped suddenly to zero or below. Then a heavy snow fell on. This surprised the local residents. People went to street one after another to have a look.


更多网络解释与骤降相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mushroom, bounder, cocktail:爆发户

11. 暴跌;骤降plunge | 12. 爆发户:mushroom, bounder, cocktail | 13. 爆料juicy details


研究小组成员、美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的詹姆斯.肯尼特对>杂志说:"这一发现意义非常重大. 它对近几十年来争议最大的三个问题做出了解释. "这三个问题是:美州石器时代克洛维斯(Clovis)原始人突然消失、巨兽灭绝以及地球温度骤降之谜.


著名导演迪克.沃尔夫在NBC电视台的新作>(Conviction)已经在纽约拍摄完成. 虽然政策条件优厚,但是近来天气偏偏要和纽约作对. 去年12月份的冬天温度竟高达21摄氏度,而近年一月份的气温也要近13摄氏度. 2月份纽约市的气温骤降至零下10摄氏度.


体温下降有两种方式: (1)骤降(crisis):指体温于数小时内迅速下降至正常,有时可略低于正常,常伴有 大汗淋漓. 常见于疟疾、急性肾盂肾炎、大叶性肺炎及输液反应等. (2)渐降(1ysis):指体温在数天内逐渐降至正常,如伤寒、风湿热等.


两大主流对电压骤降之定义与规范大致上差异不大,均定义电压骤降至基频有效值之0.1 ~ 0.9 pu范围,时间持续0.5周波(cycle)至1分钟内,皆属于电压骤降(sag)之定义范围.


275. whimsical 古怪的,异想天开的 | 276. discomfit 扰乱,挫败,使为难 | 277. plummet 垂直落下,骤降


pelter 投掷的人 | pelter 骤降 | pelter 剥兽皮者

The temperature could drop away:温度也会骤降

Even when you're feeling warm即使你感到温暖 | The temperature could drop away温度也会骤降 | Like four seasons in one day好象一日里含盖了四季


power 能力 | power-dive 俯冲骤降 | power-on self-test 开电自检


power 功率 | power-dive 使俯冲骤降 | power-fail 电源失效