英语人>词典>汉英 : 骤减 的英文翻译,例句
骤减 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与骤减相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Akihito voiced regret in a speech at a fisheries event on Nov. 11, saying Lake Biwa's catch had plunged because of foreign-origin fish.


Affirmative midway should encounter a lot of setbacks and failure, like contacting Seo at first as me, depilate, the website falls authority, discharge is decreased suddenly, K stands.


The decrease in food production meant that the entire system, which depended on Goral for food stock, had to be supplied by merchants or face starvation.


Experience with other fisheries, such as the collapse of the cod population of the Grand Banks off Newfoundland in 1992, has shown that the dynamics of an ecosystem can change when a top predator is removed completely.


Since January 2008 milk prices have fallen by nearly half, from $20.50 per hundredweight (45kg) to $11.40 this June as global demand has plummeted and milk intended for export has spilled back onto the domestic market. Farmers are suffering the consequences.


The ionizer can keep the NAIs concentration above 3.02×105 ions/cm3 in the breathing space. This study investigated the distribution of control efficiency for four kinds of bioaerosols, and compared the difference of them.

研究结果发现,空气负离子在呼吸范围中的浓度分布在面部前方5 cm处最高,随与空气负离子产生源距离增加而衰减,由於面部会中和负电荷,故也会使空气负离子浓度骤减

In 1982, it adopted a moratorium on whaling, to allow the collapsing populations of various species to recover.


Data still makes clear, because of Chrome browser hot and those who be decreased harm suddenly by the user is Firefox and Safari browser, is not report of IE browser Statcounter says, after Chrome browser is released, firefox and pelter of Safari market share, and IE obtained several percent indescribably.

数据还表明,因Chrome浏览器的火爆而受到用户骤减伤害的是Firefox和Safari浏览器,而不是IE浏览器 statcounter报道称,Chrome浏览器发布以后,Firefox和Safari市场份额骤降,而IE莫名其妙地获得了数个百分点。

So that at end of 20th century, the natural environment accumulated too much unconscionable results. Every kind of calamity happened frequently: bad-balanced precipitin, soil lapse, prolonged drought time, soil aggravation, life species decreased quickly, etc.


But, let angst of crown penannular jade ring unceasingly is, arrived on July 10, the day of net of medicine of the whole people visits a quantity to be decreased suddenly, 2961IP of a day was decreased suddenly once upon a time for 701IP.


更多网络解释与骤减相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Liam Cunningham:利亚姆.坎宁安

由迈克尔.法斯宾德(Michael Fassbender)饰演的鲍比.桑德(Bobby Sands)与利亚姆.坎宁安(Liam Cunningham)饰演的天主教神父展开了一场观念上的对决. 第三部分讲的是桑德的绝食过程. 观众可以眼见着法斯宾德为追求逼真而骤减下数十公斤的体重,

captive finance company:专属金融公司

38%的受访者认为专属金融公司(captive finance company)的获利潜力最大,较上年的54%骤减. 受访者对供应商获利的看法居中,29%的人对一级供应商表示乐观,而21%对二、三级供应商态度积极. 近期,美国审计、税务及咨询公司毕马威针对汽车业领袖进行的年度全球调查结果显示,


多年以前担任地形学(Geomorphology)课程,初识秀姑峦溪地形发育的始末;秀姑峦溪瑞穗以上的河段原为花莲溪的上游,缘由秀姑峦溪坡度大、向源头不断侵蚀,穿越海岸山脉接上花莲溪的河道,河川袭夺形成现今的秀姑峦溪,原花莲溪上游被夺流量骤减 ,


>一文的梗概翻译:40年的时间,土著雅库特族(Yakuts)在勒拿河(Lena)流域的人口骤减70%. 也就是说雅库特人居住在勒拿河(Lena)流域. 而阿尔丹河是他的支流,而阿尔丹河居住的是达斡尔族阿姓.

Blackrock Spire:黑石塔

毁灭之锤的统御下一直将战火蔓延到北方的洛丹伦大陆,迫使人类与高等精灵联合,此时兽人已占据大半土地,不想后来却由于古尔丹的不辞而别致使实力骤减,酋长奥格瑞姆虽欲力挽狂澜终不敌联盟,黑石塔(BlackRock Spire)一役主力被歼,几乎所有兽人战士均被联盟捕获并关于俘虏收容所内,


这间总部设在加州山景市(Mountain View)的公司指出:"我们能证实流量骤减,我们检查了自己的网络,发现运作正常. ""华尔街日报"(WSJ)报导,伊朗通讯机构宣布永久封锁Gmail,并计划推出全民版电子邮件服务.