英语人>词典>汉英 : 驻防 的英文翻译,例句
驻防 的英文翻译、例句


be on garrison duty
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The court reinforced the"Eight Banner" in early Qing Dynasty, meanwhile, it encouraged the Han nationality people went to the northeast China to assart land in order to get the ragged economy of Liaoshen area recovered.

清初 ,清廷在加强东北驻防八旗的同时,积极鼓励关内汉族民人出关开垦土地,恢复辽沈地区残破的经济。

The collaborationist troops were mainly assigned to garrison and logistics duties in occupied territories, and were rarely fielded in combat because of their low morale and distrust by the Japanese.


The Baqi garrison community was undoubtedly influenced by the local culture and consuetude,which can be seen from disappearance of the native language,evolvement of the consuetude.


Desolator Airstrikes are capable of clearing infantry garrisons!


The DMZ runs north of the parallel towards the east, and to the south as it travels west.


Schultz joined the Air Force 20 and was stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base.


Bayezid besieged Constantinople, and Emperor Manuel II had to accept a Muslim quarter in his capital under an Islamic tribunal; 6,000 Ottoman troops were garrisoned at Galata.

Bayezid围攻君士坦丁堡,以及皇帝曼努埃尔二世不得不接受一个穆斯林季度在他的下一个资本伊斯兰法庭; 6000奥斯曼军队驻防在加拉塔。

He was in his place in Our emanating from the local garrison, not forever.


By the early 1970s it was becoming more common for AM stations to simulcast the programming of their more dominant FM sister stations.

在70 年代初期以前它变得共同为上午驻地对编程他们的更加统治的FM 姐妹驻防的同时联播。

Air weapon in the U.S. military, stationed at Kadena's F-15 fighters in the climb, turn and accelerate the performance had been very high performance evaluation. 48 F-15 fighters of the composition of the 18th Tactical Air Combat Mission Although the Kadena base, but in the normal training but including Russia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East and so on, all in the Pacific theater of operations.


更多网络解释与驻防相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


让桥上守卫的武士(warrior)撤到中部驻防的武士那里,派村里 的几个弓箭兵(archer)和一个矮人(dwaf)前去支援. 将武士分两组两翼排开,弓箭兵在 中间一字排开,矮人在弓箭兵侧前方使用手雷攻击僵尸并逐步向后方撤退,以便由弓箭兵尽 量将僵尸射杀.

expeditionary force:远征军

""随着冷战的结束,建立一支远征军(expeditionary force)的概念已经不再适用. 美国不再广泛地建立全球海上基地,转而将战略中心拉回本土,例如美国在韩国和日本的驻防就已经慢慢地向太平洋上的关岛、夏威夷等移防. 久而久之,美国的海军装备、人员数目也开始下降.


presidential 总统的 | presider 主席 | presidial 驻防军的


presider 主席 | presidial 驻防军的 | presidiary 驻防军的


presidiary 驻防军的 | presiding 主持的 | presidio 要塞


按上下箭头可增减器械的制造数目,决定 后按"进行"(Proceed)按钮. 经过一段时间的制造、完工后就可开战. 用鼠标右键点击部队时,会出现部队的控制窗口,或者当你在城堡资讯窗口中按中间的向右 箭头也能进入驻防部队的控制窗.


>(Sayonara):出自一九五七年由马龙白兰度(Marlon Brando)主演的>(Sayonara),曾获奥斯卡最佳影片等十项提名,最后抱走最佳男、女配角等四奖,描述美国军人驻防东京时,与日本女人谱出恋曲,两对中,一对有圆满结局,


presidial 驻防军的 | presidiary 驻防军的 | presiding 主持的

You smashed the walls of garrisons:你粉粹了驻防的围墙

You made a fool of everyone你骗了每一个人 | You smashed the walls of garrisons你粉粹了驻防的围墙 | i pray you make a fool soon out of me我祈祷你不久就可以把我也欺骗 2009-11-06 21:59

Moshe Dayan:戴陽

绰号"独眼龙"的以色列国防部长戴阳(Moshe Dayan)教训陆军参谋长说:"绝不能用查米尔的讯息来动员整个军队. "以色列内阁决定在下午四时才把装甲部队开至苏伊士运河沿岸,四时前仅有三部坦克驻防河岸. 马旺告诉查米尔埃叙的攻击时间是下午六时.