英语人>词典>汉英 : 驻兵 的英文翻译,例句
驻兵 的英文翻译、例句


station troops
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The person that decorticate says:" Chi Zha the Three Kingdoms " field is stationed in the set of arms, it is probably " grandchildren strategics " strike where the enemy is unprepared of medium do with sb unconscious, politic to a war kind for webpage game, can promote the diversity of the battle, variational setting, it is very absorbing window.


U.S. forces should be at full strength by the summer of 2010 - an exceed ingly fast deployment given the logistical challenges.


You are also to know ,(the peace-keeping force does not have one soldier except China that United Nations dispatches is sent to work abroad besides) China is in native country one private, does not encamp in an open seas air base more , our defense capability is to defense sex's.


She took her stand by the huge black hull of Ulysses' ship which was middlemost of all, so that her voice might carry farthest on either side, on the one hand towards the tents of Ajax son of Telamon, and on the other towards those of Achilles- for these two heroes, well-assured of their own strength, had valorously drawn up their ships at the two ends of the line.

她 站在俄底修斯的海船上,乌黑、宽大、深旷,停驻在船队中部,以便一声呼喊,便可传及两翼,既可及达忒拉蒙之子埃阿蒙的营地,亦可飘至阿基琉斯的兵棚――坚信自己的刚勇和臂力,他俩把匀称的海船分另u停驻在船队的两头。

The following year, the Han Dynasty in the round of the Western Regions and Taiwan, Li drainage and other places unmanning Dynasty, envoys and home Xiao Wei's command.


Diaoyutai, unmanning Dongzheng Tangshan Tang legend, it was to this city of the north side of River Mountain Watch scenery, fishing line release, said after the Diaoyutai here, names are still in use.


Baofeng Temple as well as the Fort, flood camps in the Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty Zheng Yang Wenguang unmanning such as multiple sites; tourist facilities, CITIC Resort Hotel in the city is the only foreign star hotel garden, a golf course for Only in the city, and south-day-old hotel, resort hotels, such as Li on the quality of reception sites.


In November a UN report said that Eritrea had almost 2,000 soldiers inside Somalia, a claim strongly denied in Asmara.


更多网络解释与驻兵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


美国计划把派往海地救灾的航空母舰"卡尔文森"號用作"浮动机场",供救援直升机升降,美军医疗舰"安慰"(Comfort)號亦將驶往海地,用作浮动医院. 美国亦將派驻海地土兵增至1万. 在地震中受重创的联合国驻海地维和部队总部,週四出现"小奇蹟",

Fort Sumter:萨姆特堡

4月12日,南卡罗莱那向州内驻查尔斯顿(Charleston)萨姆特堡(Fort Sumter)的联邦军队开火,迫其投降. 萨姆特堡之战后,林肯召请联邦内其他州发兵夺回萨姆特堡与其他要塞,保卫首都,并维护联邦. 大多数的北方州相信,联邦可速战速决粉碎叛乱,


barrabora | 爱斯基摩人建在地面下的泥土住房 | barracan | 巴拉坎风雨大衣呢(地中海东部沿海地区制) | barrack | (临时性)木板房, 兵舍, 军营 使驻兵营内

Unmanning Agreement:不驻兵协定

LIU, Hua;刘华;; | Unmanning Agreement;不驻兵协定;; | UBEIDI, Amer Rashid al;阿米尔.拉希德.奥贝迪;;