英语人>词典>汉英 : 驯养人 的英文翻译,例句
驯养人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与驯养人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This was the first banquet, it is said, at which couches were placed for twelve, although there is a very well-known saying about the proper number of those present at a banquet that "seven make a dinner, nine make a din".37 Furthermore, the comely lads who did the serving were given as presents, one to each guest; carvers and platters, too, were presented to each, and also live animals either tame or wild, winged or quadruped, of whatever kind were the meats that were served, and even goblets of murra38 or of Alexandrine crystal were presented to each man for each drink, as often as they drank.


There was no domestic cattle for dairy products, and the newly-discovered potato was yet considered by a lot Europeans to be poisonous.


There was no domestic cattle for dairy products, and the newly-discovered potato was still considered by many Europeans to be poisonous.

没有驯养的奶牛,自然没有牛奶;而 www.haoyingyu.cn 新发现的土豆被很多欧洲人认为是有毒的。

Obviously, the relation that people domesticate animals reflects a family's character.


It is greater than between a wild and domesticated animal.


And even though today we are not only used to seeing guide dogs accompanying blind people but we do not question their usefulness, and we admire the relationship of solidarity established between the person and the animal, in the past there have been those who were against it and even today we still hear of people who, pretending to feel an irrational love for animals, hurl accusations that dogs are subjected to living the life of a slave, that dogs weakened the status of blind people, that they were an object of exhibitionism and even that they were a social problem...


Sahuagin kept sharks, and some good-sized sharks at that, but not giants and not this far north.


But these were not the two Cats which I brought on Shore at first, for they were both of them dead, and had been interr'd near my Habitation by my own Hand; but one of them having multiply'd by I know not what Kind of Creature, these were two which I had preserv'd tame, whereas the rest run wild in the Woods, and became indeed troublesom to me at last; for they would often come into my House, and plunder me too, till at last I was obliged to shoot them, and did kill a great many; at length they left me with this Attendance, and in this plentiful Manner I lived; neither could I be said to want any thing but Society, and of that in some time after this, I was like to have too much.


But the frequent disappointments, incident to that method of provision, induced them to gather together such animals as were of a more tame and sequacious nature; and to establish a permanent property in their flocks and herds, in order to sustain themselves in a less precarious manner, partly by the milk of the dams, and partly by the flesh of the young.


"One only understands the things that one tames."


更多网络解释与驯养人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cat man:驯养员,驯兽师

巡游探矿者/pack rat | 驯养员,驯兽师/cat man | 循规蹈矩的人/good eiver

Damian:驯养人;神圣的力量;命运 男性

Damen 驯服 男性 希腊 | Damian 驯养人;神圣的力量;命运 男性 | Damon 驯养人,降伏者 男性 希腊

Dane:来自丹麦 男性 古英语

Damon 驯养人,降伏者 男性 希腊 | Dane 来自丹麦 男性 古英语 | Daniel 我的法官是上帝 男性 希伯来


>要解放中国人的性压抑,但又不忘将性这只野兽驯养(domesticate)为家畜,将这只脱疆野马收服成放在笼子里供人观赏的展览品. 李安用来镇压性的杀手就是爱情和它的孪生兄弟温情主义(sentimentalism).


192. fancier: 动植物爱好者,驯养者. | 193. faultfinder: 喜欢挑剔的人. | 194. felon: 重罪犯.


tamely /驯熟地/温顺地/没有骨气地/ | tameness /驯熟/温顺/无气力/ | tamer /驯养人/


tameness /驯熟/温顺/无气力/ | tamer /驯养人/ | tammie /棉经毛纬平纹呢/

Equus caballus:野马

欧洲野马(Equus caballus)又称泰斑野马,原产于欧洲大部分地区及亚洲部分地区,已于1876年灭绝. 这种马很早以前就被人驯化并引进到各地区,现在几乎遍布全世界,它是家马的祖先,所以这个学名就给家马了. 经过驯养的家马,能给人做很多事,

Belgian hare:比利时野兔

在家兔前,吸引人眼光的兔子,是种叫做比利时野兔(Belgian Hare)的家伙,中型短毛宠物兔,身体瘦长,有付大大的竖耳朵. 一度是兔展中的要角,在它之后,慢慢才在英国及美国风行起驯养兔的宠物风潮否则在1700年代初期,美国是有人开始养兔子,