英语人>词典>汉英 : 马胃蝇 的英文翻译,例句
马胃蝇 的英文翻译、例句


Gastrophilus equina
更多网络例句与马胃蝇相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various stout, two-winged flies, chiefly of the genera Gasterophilus and Oestrus, having larvae that are parasitic on various animals, especially horses and sheep, and sometimes on humans.


It also has the function of stomach toxic and kills on contact , caterpillar ,vegetable aphid .The product are indicated for treatment of cabbage caterpillar , vegetable aphid sheep nose bot.


Software Description: About The Infiltrator Deathmatch, Battle up to seven blood-thirsty bots in five different arenas packing firearms guaranteed to blow you and your enemies away.

The Infiltrator Deathmatch 适合在保证给你和你的敌人留下深刻印象的五不同的竞技场包装火器中的七个嗜血的马胃蝇蛆。

更多网络解释与马胃蝇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gaussian curve:正态曲线

gastrophylosis of horse 马胃蝇幼虫症 | gaussian curve 正态曲线 | gaussian deviation 正态偏差


horsebotflyGasterophilusintestinalis 马胃蝇 | horsebreaker 马匹调教员 | horsebreeding 驯马 驯马

gastrointestinal peristalsis:胃肠蠕动

gastrointestinal motility 胃肠蠕动 | gastrointestinal peristalsis 胃肠蠕动 | gastrophylosis of horse 马胃蝇幼虫症


口器为(6)狂蝇科(Oestridae) 成虫口器退化,第4纵脉折向前,居翅尖之前,而第5纵脉折向(7)胃蝇科(Gasterophilidae) 成虫口器退化. 幼虫寄生于马属动物的消化道内,色红,体(8)皮蝇科(Hypodermatidae) 体表被有色长绒毛,形似峰.


触角分9~(5)虻科(Tabanidae) 体壮而粗大,胸、腹部或翅上具有不同的色彩. 触角分3节. 口器为(6)狂蝇科(Oestridae) 成虫口器退化,第4纵脉折向前,居翅尖之前,而第5纵脉折向(7)胃蝇科(Gasterophilidae) 成虫口器退化. 幼虫寄生于马属动物的消化道内,