英语人>词典>汉英 : 马尼拉 的英文翻译,例句
马尼拉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与马尼拉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is our medical facilities in Manila, the Philippines, Photo relatively simple, but in fact this country has medical facilities in the Philippines has evoked strong repercussions were a lot of the Philippine National Assessment Award. In addition to the above-described


For the past 2 Thursdays, Anil and I have exchanged imaginary posts about St.


At its peak, the flood covered 80% of Manila.


Driving to a friend''s house on a recent evening, I was awe-struck by the sight of the full moon rising just above Manila rooftops, huge and swollen, yellow through the dust and smoke of the city.


Baguio is about 5 hours away from pampanga and i thing 6 to 7 from manila we rode victory liner bus my favorite bus for northern trips it cost us 297 php from Dau terminal to baguio while it will cost you double when you are coming from manila.

碧瑶是约5小时的路程从邦板牙和我的事从马尼拉6日至7我们乘坐巴士维多利利纳我为它花费我们从斗终端297 php的碧瑶,而这将花费您双重当你从马尼拉北部旅行最喜欢的车来。

Manila , Philippines : A boy scavenges along the polluted shoreline of Manila Bay for recyclable items he can sell John Javellana Reuters


Hangzhou Yuhang Xing-qiao green lawn perennial low-cost base for the sale of lawn, Caozi; turf varieties are: Manila lawn, perennial low-priced sale of lawn varieties are: Manila lawn, Bermuda grass, Taiwan green lawn, tall fescue lawn, a few 10 Caozi; lawn and undertaking the cultivation, conservation works!


I took the flight of Philippine Airlines from Zamboanga to Manila at 7:50 on 19th June, and then changed to take the flight of Philippine Airlines from Manila to Xiamen, China at PM14:10 which arrived on time.


I took the flight of Philippine Airlines from Zamboanga to Manila at 7:50 on 19th June, and then took the flight of Philippine Airlines from Manila to Xiamen, China at PM14:10, which arrived on time.


Manila, Philipp in es: Children swim in the polluted shallow waters of Manila Bay.


更多网络解释与马尼拉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

knotted abaca:马尼拉麻纱绞

knotted 复杂的 | knotted abaca 马尼拉麻纱绞 | knotted bar iron 节钢

Agave cantala Roxb:马尼拉龙舌兰

白缘龙舌兰 Agave angustifolia Haw.var marginata Tre. | 马尼拉龙舌兰 Agave cantala Roxb. | 三角龙舌兰 Agave lophantha Sch.

The Drawing Room:(马尼拉)

Galerie Schubbe Projekt (杜塞尔多夫) | The Drawing Room (马尼拉) | Wada Fine Arts (东京)

drumhead manila:马尼拉鼓皮纸

drug wrapping 药房用包装袋纸 | drumhead manila 马尼拉鼓皮纸 | dry broke 干损纸

Manila hemp:马尼拉蕉麻

mannan 甘露聚糖 | Manila hemp 马尼拉蕉麻 | Manila copal 马尼拉树脂


马尼拉港(MANILA) 位于菲律宾北部吕宋岛西南的马尼拉湾东岸,西北至香港720海里,东北至中国上海吴淞1117海里,至日本横滨港1750海里,西南至新加坡港1340海里,南至本国第二大港苏务港392海里,至三宝颜港512海里.


Manila 马尼拉 菲律宾 | Manila, Philippines 马尼拉 马来西亚 | Manta, Ecuador 曼塔 厄瓜多尔

manila rope paper:马尼拉纸绳纸

Manila hemp 马尼拉麻 | Manila rope paper 马尼拉纸绳纸 | Manila rope 马尼拉

manila paper:马尼拉纸

马尼拉纸(Manila paper)亦是一种粗糙的纸张,它是用马尼拉麻的叶纤维为原料. 在一八九○年代提到的马尼拉纸,则是利用木浆制成的纸张. 蚕丝纸(Silk paper)有两种类型:一种是以蚕丝线夹於纸内,以做为防伪之用途者,邮坛称之为「蚕丝线纸」(Silk thread paper).

manila paper:一马尼拉纸,高强度纸张

manila paper 马尼拉纸,高强度纸张 | manila paper 一马尼拉纸,高强度纸张 | manila pulp 马尼拉麻浆