英语人>词典>汉英 : 食蟹动物 的英文翻译,例句
食蟹动物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The brown rockfish feed on small fishes, crab, shrimp, and other small invertebrates.


Snook are carnivores and their prey is mainly a wide range of species of fish, crabs, and shrimp.

食性 斯努克是食肉动物食,主要是广泛的鱼和蟹,虾的种类。

The results showed that the juvenile A. sinensis mainly fed on demersal fish, polychaeta and amphipoda, as well as some small-sized benthic invertebrates including shrimp, crab and bivalve.


This research will provide reference basis for exploring the cause and pathogenesis of infertility and aphoria with Crab-eating Macaque as animal model.


The doctor said it was caused by sitotoxism. He warned people to pay more attention to diet hygiene and be cautious of bacterial food poisoning. The government should attach more importance to food safety management and supervision as well as canteen hygiene. It is forbidden to eat meat of sick animals or other bad food. You had better not eat wine prawn and salted shrimps; Chilled food should keep fresh; Animal meat and leftovers should be heated and boiled completely.


更多网络解释与食蟹动物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crab spider:蟹蛛

它可能是一种善于潜伏的食肉动物,经常隐藏在原木和植物叶子里,适当时候会对猎物发动突然袭击. 在现代的蟹蛛(crab spider)身上可以看到这种捕猎行为. 蟹蛛经常坐在花草的边缘,等待粗心的昆虫自投罗网.


海虹肉质...别名:梭子蟹、盖子使用提示:每次约80克海蟹知识介绍: 蟹(Crab)乃食中珍味,素有"一盘蟹,顶桌菜"的民谚. 它不但味美,且营养丰富,是一种高蛋白的补品. 海蟹属甲壳类动物. 我国沿海均产,以渤海湾产的最著名.


crabby | 执拗的, 暴躁的 | crabeater | 食蟹动物(如南极海豹、军曹鱼等) | crabfest | 牢骚(话), 诉苦


甲壳纲(Crustacea)十足目(Decapoda)地蟹科(Gecarcinidae)典型的陆生蟹. 体方形. 成蟹仅偶回海水中生活. 产於美洲热带地区、西非和印度-太平洋地区. 食动物或植物. 百慕达、西印度群岛和美国南部的圆轴蟹(Cardisoma guanhumi),


食蟹猴:灵长目(Primates) 猴科(Cercopithecidae) 猕猴属(Macaca)灵长类是哺乳动物中最聪明的动物,它的突出特点就是具有大而发达的脑子,这一点最明显地表现在人属(Homo)的身上.

Macaca mulatta:恒河猴

文章摘要:以C3b受体花环和免疫复合物花环为指标的免疫粘附功能是红细胞兔疫的重要内容,其作用越来越受到重视,恒河猴(macaca mulatta)和食蟹猴(macaca fascicularis)是进行医学免疫学研究的理想实验动物,其免疫功能的研究对人类有重要的参考价值.