英语人>词典>汉英 : 食蟹 的英文翻译,例句
食蟹 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective To investigate the effect of artesunate on the development of Plasmodium cynomolgi in anopheles dints and prevention against malaria.

目的 观察青蒿琥酯对食蟹猴疟原虫在大劣按蚊体内发育的影响。

Class Ⅲ furcation defects were created at the mandibular second pre-molars, first molars and second molars.


Among the snake predators, Taiwan tree snake, Taiwan kukri snake and Pointed- scaled pitviper were responsible for most predation events. While the shrub nests were more susceptible to birds and Formosan Macaque, the ground nests were often predated by the ground-dwelling Crabeating mongoose and Formosan gemfaced civet.


Laugh one's head off, v.

狂笑, 笑掉大牙_食蟹猪_新浪博客

Objective: This study is designed to investigate effects of schizophrenic cerebrospinal fluid on cerebral neuron and capillary of macaque at ultrastructural level.

目的 :研究精神分裂症病人脑脊液对食蟹猴大脑神经元和毛细血管超微结构的影响。

When in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America.


Omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America.


The RT-PCR product was inserted into pTG19-T vector and transformed into E. coli successfully. By blastn, the sequence results of Kunming mus musculus were in complete accordance with the conservative sequence of Genbank NR_003278 (791bp-1153bp). By Blastn in NCBI, the sequence with little difference among animals was confirmed to be conservative. After Blastn, fourteen complete CDS coding for different animals were chosen. According to VECTOR NIT 9.0 software, the similarities between Kunming mus musculus and bos taurus, homo sapiens, erinaceus europaeus, cricetulus griseus, sus scrofa, dasypus novemcinctus, rattus norvegicus, rabbit, equus caballus, macaca fascicularis, didelphis virginiana, monodelphis domestica and vombatus ursinus was 67%, 100%, 100%, 36%, 100%, 100%, 67%, 100%, 100%, 92%, 99%, 99% and 99%. In the phylogenetic tress constructed with the forteen 18S rRNA by Treeview, the Kunming mus musculus clustered with cricetulus griseus, sus scrofa and rabbit, which was nearer to cricetulus griseus and was most far away from macaca fascicularis.(3) After sencodary structure analyses of 18S rRNA of mus musculus, an oligonucleotide fragment for RNAi was designed and synthesized, which was transformed into plasmid, and restriction enzyme analyses and sequencing results should the expression plasmid pGPH1/ GFP/Neo-mouse-sh 18S rRNA were constructed for RNAi successfully.

结果①通过RT-PCR检测显示18S rRNA基因在小鼠卵巢组织和单个GV期、MⅠ期卵母细胞中均有表达,且在未成熟卵母细胞中,MⅠ期的表达明显强于GV期的表达;②RT-PCR产物克隆测序结果显示:昆明小鼠18S rRNA基因保守区序列与基因库序列[NR_003278保守区部分(791bp~1153bp)]完全一致;Blastn比对结果发现:在不同物种中差异较小,选出14种生物18S rRNA全序列经VECTOR NIT 9.0软件分析,提示昆明小鼠18SrRNA与牛、人类、刺猬、中国仓鼠、猪、犰狳、褐鼠、兔子、马、食蟹猴、负鼠、短尾猊、袋熊的18S rRNA的相似率依次为67%,100%,100%,36%,100%,100%,67%,100%,100%,92%,99%,99%,99%;Clustal 1.81和Treeview构建出的分子进化树表明:在上述14种生物中昆明小鼠与中国仓鼠进化关系最近,与兔子、猪聚成一簇,与食蟹猴进化关系最远;③根据18S rRNA二级结构设计并合成RNA干扰寡核苷酸片段,重组质粒经过限制性内切酶及测序表明成功构建了pGPH1/GFP/Neo-mouse-sh 18S rRNA干扰表达质粒。

Objective To analyze the genetic polymorphism in Macaca mulatta and Macaca irus, in order to set up a method of genetic analysis between those two monkey species.

目的 分析恒河猴和食蟹猴群体间的遗传多样性,确立一种对恒河猴和食蟹猴种群个体的遗传鉴别方法。

Schizophrenic CSF can result in significant pathologically ultrastructural changes of neurons and cerebral capillaries of macaque' brain. CSF of patients with brain atrophy can produce more serious pathological changes than CSF of patients without that. Abnormal microvessel milieus may probably contribute the neuron pathological changes and play an important role in biological mechanism of schizophrenia.

( 1 )精神分裂症病人脑脊液可导致食蟹猴大脑神经元超微结构发生明显病理改变,脑结构异常者的影响更为明显和严重;( 2 )精神分裂症病人脑脊液可造成食蟹猴大脑毛细血管超微结构发生血管周围水肿和内皮细胞病变等病理改变;( 3 )微血管环境异常可能在精神分裂症病理机制中具有重要作用。

更多网络解释与食蟹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


crabby | 执拗的, 暴躁的 | crabeater | 食蟹动物(如南极海豹、军曹鱼等) | crabfest | 牢骚(话), 诉苦

crabeater seal:食蟹海豹

鬃尾袋鼬 crest-tailed marsupial rat | 食蟹海豹 crabeater seal | 猎浣熊狗 coonhound

crab-eating mongoose:棕簑猫;食蟹獴

\\"蟹蛛\\",\\"crab spider\\" | \\"棕簑猫;食蟹獴\\",\\"crab-eating mongoose\\" | \\"凤冠雉科\\",\\"CRACIDAE\\"

Grab-eating water snake:食蟹水蛇

突吻蝣蛇:Tentacled snake | 食蟹水蛇:Grab-eating water snake | 红尾黝蛇:Red-tailed racer


cancrine 似蟹的 | cancrivorous 食蟹的 | cancrizans 后退的

Herpestes urva:食蟹獴

例如在加勒比海和日本地区的岛屿,当地引入一种与台湾食蟹獴(Herpestes urva)同属的小印度獴(H. javanicus),希望利用生物防治法以控制该地的鼠类或蛇类. 后来,鼠类不仅没有受到控制,该地原生的地面筑巢性鸟类、爬虫类及海龟反而因此遭受过度猎捕的窘境.

Herpestes urva:食肉目 灵猫科 食蟹獴

食肉目 灵猫科 小灵猫 Viverricula indica | 食肉目 灵猫科 食蟹獴 Herpestes urva | 食肉目 灵猫科 花面狸 Paguma larvata

Herpestes urva:食蟹蒙

2.CARNIVORA 食肉目 | 3.Herpestes urva 食蟹蒙 | 3.CHIROPTERA 翼手目

Cerdocyon thous Crab-eating Fox:食蟹狐

食蟹狐属 Cerdocyon | 食蟹狐 Cerdocyon thous Crab-eating Fox | 狐亚科 Vulpini

dungeness crab:[动]邓杰内斯蟹( 北美洲太平洋沿岸的大型可食蟹)

bending trestle 弯曲试验台 | Dungeness crab [动]邓杰内斯蟹( 北美洲太平洋沿岸的大型可食蟹) | incipient fluidization 最低流化